January 2018 is AFLBS Promotional Month
The AFLC has had a longstanding tradition of featuring articles on the back side of bulletins and promote an AFLC ministry. Whether your church follows the promotional calendar or not, it’s an opportunity for congregations across the AFLC to highlight a particular ministry, with the primary goal of raising awareness, celebrating what God is doing, highlighting needs, and sharing opportunities.
Resources for Congregations
AFLBS wants to provide convenient ways for pastors, youth leaders, and congregations to highlight the ministry of our Bible school. With roughly 3000 alumni throughout the AFLC, countless avid supporters in congregations, and over 1000 prospective students scattered across the country, we have a growing voice but also a growing need to tell our story and make people aware of the power of spending two years studying the Word of God.
Below, you will find several tools and resources to help your congregation highlight the ministry of AFLBS.
Bulletin Articles
Bulletin articles are provided by Ambassador Publications and are intended for devotional use. January includes several excellent articles written by AFLC Schools staff and students. If your church does not currently subscribe, but would like to receive this month’s articles, contact Ambassador Publications at 763-412-2010 or email parished@aflc.org.
Bulletin Inserts or Flyers
Below are three simple bulletin inserts which highlight a student testimony, upcoming campus visit events, and newly designed AFLBS flyer. These can be printed and included in bulletins or your church newsletter, or you may copy and paste the content to be used in digital format for an e-newsletter.
Through the Eyes of a Student – Testimony by Allie Westerbur
AFLBS Campus Visit Flyer
The brief videos below are great for a worship service, a Sunday school class, a youth group gathering.
[video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=”208557127″ width=”640″ height=”480″ description=”Why I Choose AFLBS” auto_thumb=”1″ ] Why I choose AFLBS
[video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=”222901537″ width=”640″ height=”480″ auto_thumb=”1″] After AFLBS
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