What is the Alumni Association?


A connection for alumni and friends of FLBC, the Alumni Association exists to support students, encourage alumni, and expand the ministry of FLBC.


The purpose of the association is to:

  • Regularly uplift FLBC in prayer and encourage students, faculty, and staff.
  • Encourage congregations in their support of FLBC and its alumni and promote the school in local communities.
  • Inform alumni of ways they can support and encourage the ministry of FLBC.
  • Raise financial support for FLBC to reduce tuition costs, support the FLBC music program, athletic program, and other extra-curricular programs, and future building projects.
  • Provide opportunities for fellowship and Christian growth for its members through various gatherings, events, and communications.

Alumni Association Membership

All persons who have attended FLBC as a student are considered members of the Alumni Association. All alumni are encouraged to actively support the Bible College through prayer, financial giving, and attendance at various Alumni-sponsored events.

Alumni Executive Committee

Treasurer: Myrna Anderson (2002)
FLBC Staff Liaison: Josh Johnson & Janay Helms (Ex-Officio)

For all alumni-related questions, contact alumni@flbc.edu.


Promote Alumni Association initiatives and events at your church - PDF Poster/Slide
