Date: August 1 - August 5

The Summer Institute of Theology exists to provide continuing education to lay people, pastors, and friends of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations.
Core Session (Monday-Friday)

Salvation History (Dr. Brent Olson)
This course will track and unpack the major promises comprising the meta-narrative of the Bible, a narrative which is often called "redemptive history," or "salvation history." Students will gain a clearer vision of the LORD's progressively revealed salvific plan and strengthen their grasp of its programmatic promises--from the Protoevangelion of Gen. 3:15 to the "exegetical seminar" of Jesus in Luke 24.
Elective Slot A (Choose 1, Monday-Friday)

Servant Leadership in Free and Living Congregations
(Dr. Wade Mobley and Dr. James Molstre)
What does it mean to be a servant leader? Who is the authority in a congregation? Where should a pastor place his focus? Why do congregations need leaders and what does servant leadership look like? In this course, taught by FLS Dean James Molstre and FLBCS President Wade Mobley, students will learn the call, character, and activity of servant leaders. The material is applicable to pastors and lay leaders in congregations of any size.

Christian Ethics (Dr. Nathan Olson)
Ethics is primarily concerned with answering the question: "How do we live?" As conservative and biblical Lutherans, we answer that question with an emphasis on the new life in Christ and its manifestation through our vocations. Therefore, this course will be a study of Christian conduct and its relevance to every area of life.
Elective Slot B (Choose 1—Longer Sessions, Monday-Thursday)

Adult Catechesis (Dr. Jason Gudim)
This course will focus on the biblical foundations of and mandates for adult catechesis as well as its relationship with the science of modern learning. Included during class time will be discussions on various methods of adult catechesis, including a brief review of existing adult catechetical curriculum.

Confirmation Workshop (Pr. J. Christian Andrews)
Based on Luther's Small Catechism for its structure and using Scripture as the primary text, FOUNDATIONS OF THE FAITH 1 and 2: This Is Most Certainly True introduces Confirmation age students to faith and theology in the Lutheran tradition. This class is a hands on and practical overview of FOUNDATIONS OF THE FAITH. Students will be active participants in sample classes as well as gain valuable information regarding the development and pedagogical philosophy employed by the curriculum. Our goal is to maximize the benefits of the curriculum in faith development for Confirmation age young people in our congregations. Texts: The Bible, Luther's Small Catechism and Explanation, Standing Fast in Freedom (Ambassador Publications), and Foundations of the Faith* (Ambassador Publications). *optional

AFLC Sunday School Workshop (Mrs. Marian Christopherson)
The instability of constant change necessitates the stability of constant truth. Through all the changing landscapes of life and culture, all children of every generation need to know Jesus, grow in their faith, and experience God’s love through the body of Christ. This course will spur congregational leaders and teachers to be intentional about passing on the faith through the generations, drawing lessons from the Book of Deuteronomy.
Promotional Materials
Poster PDF
Bulletin Inserts PDF
Housing and meal registration for this event is now closed.