Biblical Drama: A Tale of Two Compromises

Date: November 2 - November 4

What would happen if we asked the children of the Old Testament's most notoriously evil king and queen to tell the story of their parents?  What if they told the story as if it took place during the French Reign of Terror?  What happens when the guillotine, bayonets, and powdered wigs combine with Bethel, Baal, and Beelzebub?  A Tale of Two Compromises stars Jezebel as Marie Antoinette, Jehu as Napoleon, and Jehoshaphat as George the Third.

The biblical drama: A Tale of Two Compromises will be performed on our campus the weekend of November 2-4, 2023. Please join us for this free event, no RSVP required. Performances will take place in the FLBC Chapel. (3120 E Medicine Lake Blvd, Plymouth, MN 55441).


  • Thursday, November 2 - 6:30 PM (*Dress rehearsal, open to guests)
  • Saturday, November 4 - 6:30 PM (Opening night)
  • Sunday, November 5 - 2 PM


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