Date: February 7
Join us for Spotlight: Missions taking place on our campus February 7-8, 2022. Pr. Matthew Ballmann will be sharing on the theme, "The Holy Calling of Self Sacrifice." A compilation of information with a schedule is attached to this message for your reference.
What is the goal and aim of your life? How do you know if you are on the right path to success? Our culture tells us success is achieved by earning a college degree, getting a good paying job, and being able to raise a family in safety and comfort. The fundamental operating principle is the possession of safety, comfort, and pleasure. While none of these are wrong, none of them fully embody the fullness of what Christ has called us to. The Christian answer to the aim of our lives is fanatical. Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it succinctly, "When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." Forget all the measures of success our culture gives and instead pour out your life in loving, joyful, self-sacrifice for the kingdom. The invitation you will hear is one to come and spill your blood for something bigger than a good paying job, fast car, lake house, or comfortable life. Join us on February 7th and 8th as we hear Jesus' invitation to us to come and die.
Pr. Matthew Ballmann is married to his wife Natalie who together have been blessed with five children. He serves as a pastor at Trinity San Antonio, a new AFLC church plant in San Antonio, Texas.
Monday - February 7
- 7 PM - Opening Service (Chapel)
- 8 PM - Food and Fellowship (Heritage Hall)
Tuesday - February 8
- 8-11:50 AM - Workshops (Chapel)