Growing in God’s Word

If you find it hard to read the Bible, I can relate to you. Before coming to AFLBS, I really struggled to read the Bible because I didn’t fully understand it. I knew the stories and the general ideas behind the book, but there was a lot of context (particularly the Old Testament) that seemed completely irrelevant. I struggled to read even just a couple of verses a day. For example, I recall once reading from Genesis 49:10, which says, “The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his.” I remember thinking, “Well, um … okay. What am I supposed to do with this? How does this apply to my life?” and then moving on with my day with close to zero comprehension or application.

I’ve since realized that this is an essential verse of the Bible. Moses wrote about the blessing that God had poured upon His chosen people. It’s speaking directly to us as believers in Christ. To read this verse with no background experience is challenging; you’re not going to fully understand or appreciate the text. This is why proper teaching and training is so crucial. With proper instruction, you may be able to better understand what God is saying through Scripture.

When explaining to people what AFLBS is, I will usually include the fact that our main textbook is the Bible. The most common questions to follow that statement are, “Don’t you get bored? How much could you possibly study it?” Now that I have been studying the Bible at AFLBS, I have a deeper understanding and love for this verse and a love for all of Scripture. I have found that as you invest more time and effort into something, it becomes easier to grasp, more of a passion, and less of a to-do item on a list. This concept could apply to anything: a new job, school, relationship, etc. The more time and effort you invest in what is before you, the more meaningful that person, place, or thing becomes. I have found this to be true in my relationship with Christ. As I invest more time with Christ, I become more passionate about Him and my faith has become more meaningful to me. Being at AFLBS has given me a deeper passion for studying God’s Word.

Freshness is found when Christ reveals the gospel to us. Whether it be a message that seems to be directed to you or a song with lyrics that speak to a situation you’re facing, the Holy Spirit works in and through it all.

II Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” All things are new because Christ has made them new. The gospel is always new to me because God makes it new to me. I didn’t come to AFLBS just to learn about Jesus, but I came here to be changed by Jesus. As He is changing me, God continues to reveal the gospel to me.

Cristian Dahl [AFLBS senior] is a member of Our Saviour’s Lutheran, Thief River Falls, Minn.

This article first appeared in Kinship Magazine, Spring 2019 Edition.

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