There’s something about the appeal of new things that captivates our attention. On the FLBCS campus it’s the completion of the new Student Life Center that’s all the buzz. In addition to a fantastic grand opening weekend, we’ve already hosted an alumni basketball tournament, the FLBC spring concert, and graduation ceremonies. We are pleased to welcome the AFLC Annual Conference in June.
Everyone I talk with is thrilled about this new facility. It’s beautiful! Praise God for His provision of this new space for our students and friends.
It reminds me of the comment of a certain wide-eyed disciple in Mark’s Gospel. Calling attention to Herod’s impressive temple-expansion project, he pointed out, “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” (Mark 13:1b). It’s true—our attention can so often be focused on things that aren’t going to last forever.
Jesus himself embodied the temple not made by human hands. He came as God incarnate, graciously dwelling with us (John 1:14). It is Christ who promises, “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). He is the Cornerstone on which we are being built into a “holy temple in the Lord” (Ephesians 2:21).
God’s plan is to make all things new! Consider these words: “And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ Also he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true’” (Revelation 21:5).
Who is it who is seated on this heavenly throne? Both the Father and the Son share the throne (Revelation 3:21; 22:1). And notice what our God is doing—what a wonderful gospel statement this is—He is “making all things new.”
Here is the good news that stands at the heart of the Book of Revelation. God’s renovation project is under way now, certainly, but this gospel declaration looks forward especially to a celestial “grand opening” celebration in the future.
Through Isaiah the prophet, God had already announced His plans: “Behold, I am doing a new thing” (Isaiah 43:19). He promises new heavens and a new earth (66:22). That means all the people of God, together with the heavens and earth, will be transformed into one amazing new creation. It’s God’s sure promise to restore what was marred by sin—to make it all new.
Paul assures us that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (II Corinthians 5:17). The old man is put off, crucified. One day the newness we experience in this life through grace will blossom to its perfect completion when Jesus comes again.
The declaration of good news of what our Savior is doing is followed by a command. John (for the twelfth time in this book) is instructed to “Write this down …” Why? “… for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Consider what the Lord is saying to us in this verse: The Word of God has been recorded for our sake so that we will take it to heart, embracing it by faith until our Lord returns. We can take God at His Word and build our lives on this sure foundation, because our Lord is forever trustworthy and true.
So, what’s new? Biblically, the “new thing” that matters most is God’s new creation through the life-transforming work of Christ. If you hear this trustworthy Word, considering what Christ has done (and is doing!), you can trust it 100 percent. Then, anticipate the glorious grand opening one day.
Dr. Jerry Moan [FLBCS faculty] is a member of Solid Rock Free Lutheran, Anoka, Minn.
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