By Ashley Feist (FLBC Class of ’20)
“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You,” (2 Chronicles 2:20b). After receiving word that an attack from a large army was imminent, King Jehoshaphat lifted up this desperate prayer to the Lord. Knowing he and his men stood powerless against the invading army, Jehoshaphat lifted his eyes to the One who rules “over all the kingdoms of the nations” (20:6). He had seen God’s faithfulness before and he knew the Lord held the future in His sovereign, omnipotent, and oh-so-loving hands.
Since reading this verse a few months ago, the words have been the prayer of my heart almost daily. I find it rather fitting that this verse came into my life just as the world entered this current time of heightened anxiety and strife. However, in all the uncertainty, I am assured that one thing in my life remains fixed — the hope I have in Jesus Christ, who “is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
Now more than ever, I thank the Lord for my time spent deeply submerged in His Word at FLBC. Though the things of this fickle world will always rage on around me, my heart can yet sing the words of Psalm 18:1 — “I love You, O LORD, my strength.” Much like King Jehoshaphat, I lift my weary eyes up to the Lord, knowing how powerless I am to stand on my own yet completely assured that to Him alone I can cling — my sure, steady, and loving Foundation who holds the whole world in His hands. Praise be to Him.
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