Intercessor Team Update – July 11

“These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.” (Acts 1:14)

In this precious picture of the early church, we see a congregation committed to the work of prayer and the declaration of the Gospel, which was now to begin its great excursion into a hostile and evil world. They were unified in the cause of Christ, and this unity and resolve led them all the more to seek the help of the Triune God through prayer. Might this be our experience as well, resolved to proclamation of the Good News and with one voice seeking God’s grace and help through prayer.

In your prayer time during the upcoming weeks, please bring these petitions before our Lord:

  • Pray for the upcoming “Alumni & Friends” event to take place July 27-28. The weekend kicks off with a Golf Scramble, and is highlighted by an AFLBS Scholarship Dinner and Concert, with proceeds going to benefit the AFLBS Scholarship Fund. Pray that many would participate and all be blessed by this opportunity.
  • Pray for families and churches within our AFLC that are grieving the earthly passing of loved ones or shepherds. May the peace of Christ uphold and encourage hearts that are hurting in this season.
  • Pray that the hearts of potential students would be drawn to our Schools and that enrollments would continue to be expanded.
  • Pray for the upcoming Journey Missions trip to Uganda, July 25-August 15 and that this team would be used powerfully for Kingdom work.
  • Pray for an increased awareness as to the magnitude of the spiritual battle being waged around us, and the vital and absolute importance of prayer and the Word of God as we do battle against spiritual forces arrayed against the good work of the LORD being accomplished in our midst.
  • Pray for our nation and our elected leaders at the local, state, and national levels. May these men and women be led of the Holy Spirit, those not knowing Christ coming to a place of repentance and faith, and those knowing Him walking as light in a dark world.
  • Pray for our eight summer teams currently traveling and serving our congregations. Strengthen, preserve, and protect these young people as they represent Christ and our AFLC in all of their ministry and activities, and allow their service and labor always to draw glory unto the Lord and proclaim the glorious message of the Gospel.
  • Pray for seven men to hear and heed the call of the Lord to parish ministry and begin seminary studies this fall.

On behalf of the Intercessor Team,

Pastor Kirk Flaa, Sioux Falls, SD

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