“They asked, and He brought quail, and satisfied them with the bread of heaven. He opened the rock and water flowed out; it ran in the dry places like a river.” (Psalm 105:40–41, NASB95)
It is fitting especially in this season of Thanksgiving to reflect upon the fact that God has wonderfully supplied for our every need, physical as well as spiritual. Psalm 105 offers an incredible recounting of God’s miraculous and abundant provision for His people and as one reads the psalm cannot help but be moved to wonder and appreciation of God’s good work in and amongst His people. I pray that as we celebrate Thanksgiving, whether in person or on Zoom, with many or a few, that we would rightly acknowledge and give credit to the One who has provided for us such an abundant bounty.
In the next few weeks, please uplift these petitions in prayer:
- Let us give praise and thanks for the tremendous bounty that is ours in the Lord. God’s faithful provision has blessed us in extra measure, and let us give thanks all the more in this season for the manifold blessings we have received, temporally and spiritually. Praise unto God for His favor of salvation through Jesus Christ, and for all the good gifts He lavishes upon us.
- Let us give thanks for our Staff and instructors and give praise for the Lord bringing together such a gifted and God-honoring team. We ask that the Lord richly fill their hearts with encouragement and joy as they labor in the Kingdom by teaching, serving, equipping, mentoring, and listening.
- Let us give thanks for all our students and seminarians; they are a precious gift of God and are entrusted to us for the purpose of building up in the teaching and training of God’s word, guiding them towards spiritual maturity, and establishing them as disciples of Christ, actively engaged in their congregation and community for the cause of Christ. We praise God for them!
- Pray for our annual Christmas concert, “The Light in the Darkness”, which will debut as on online event December 11. In view of COVID, capacity limitations, and public health, we believe this is the best option to celebrate the birth of our Lord and to proclaim the Gospel.
- Pray for our Bible College and Seminary, AFLC departments, and all of our congregations, pastors and leaders as they navigate this difficult season of COVID with wisdom, skill, and grace only You can provide.
- Pray for the continued construction of our Student Life Center and the future giving to fully fund the project. As we do so we also anticipate the powerful way the Lord will use this facility to build community, enhance fellowship and Christian activity, and further the growth of His kingdom on our campus and beyond.
- Pray for our many churches that are currently experiencing pastoral vacancy. May their call teams be granted wisdom, insight, and patience as they wait upon the LORD, and may the will of God be accomplished in the lives of those men seeking a call to a congregation.
- Pray for the persecuted church, that we always are mindful of the connection we have as part of the church universal through the blood of Christ. May we continually uphold these brothers and sisters that their faith remains strong, that God be glorified, and that their witness in the most difficult of circumstances brings conversion to those who persecute them.
On behalf of the Intercessor team,
Pastor Kirk Flaa, Sioux Falls, SD
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