Intercessor Team Update August/September

Romans 8:26b-27 — We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.

How thankful we are for God’s promise of the Holy Spirit to be our advocate. God welcomes us into His presence with Jesus. We struggle in prayer because of our human weakness. Yet God gives us His own heart which desires the same thing He does. He works in us to will and do His pleasure. We seek His will in Scripture to pray according to it. And when we pray outside His will, we are grateful He works around our will for something better than we could imagine. We thank the Lord for what He has in store for faculty and students this next year. We love seeing His hand at work on campus and in those who love and support His work. Keep up to date at

Let us approach His Throne of Grace with the following praises and petitions:

  • We thank God for summer activities on campus including the Annual Conference, SIT, Alumni Picnic, and the seven summer teams’ debriefing of seeing God at work in congregations and camps.
  • Praise God for a time of refreshment and rest for staff and faculty this summer along with much planning for the new year. Praise God for Eric Christenson and his facilities staff preparing and improving the campus.
    Pray for student move-in and orientation on August 30-31. All things are ready for the 96 new and returning students to FLBC. Pray for the Lord to continue building the solid foundation of God’s eternal Word under the students to be strong in the Lord and power of His might.
  • Intercede with us for God’s hand of protection to rest upon campus life, guarding from danger, keeping from evil, and helping find a closer personal relationship resting in His presence. Let’s ask God for all coming to campus to find a spirit of repentance and humility.

Upcoming events include:

September 30 – Spotlight: Christians and Media
October 21-22– UpClose event for high school Juniors and Seniors or recent graduates
October 22-23 – FLBC Alumni Basketball Tournament

  • FLBC graduates need prayer as they seek and find God’s will. May they lighten the world wherever God leads.
    We request your prayers for our intentional and focused efforts to connect our FLBC family of congregations, alumni and pastors together. We are assisting students to associate with church homes away from home and pursue service opportunities alongside of their academic efforts.
  • Please pray for our newest faculty member, Dr. Nathan Olson. His wife, Emily, has been experiencing serious health issues and needs the Lord’s help to diagnose and heal.
  • We thank our Lord who promised: “Therefore, confess your sins to one other and pray for one another that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” James 5:16.

Thanks be to God who assures each one of us “To supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19.

On behalf of the Intercessor team,
Pastor Wayne Hjermstad, FLBC Congregational Connections Coordinator

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