“But now, I pray, let the power of the Lord be great…” Numbers 14:17a
It is probably not uncommon that we pray for God’s power to be great and to be revealed amongst us. Yet, worthy of note in the above text is that the power referred to is not a power or a might that defeats, conquers, or overcomes as one would commonly hold; but rather, it is a power that is seen and displayed in the expression of forgiveness and grace. In the context of Israel’s failure to trust, Moses intercedes and appeals to God’s “power”, but it is a power reflected most clearly in His loving kindness and grace, and is a power that is displayed in forgiveness. May our response to this same “power” in our own lives, one of grace and forgiveness, be reflected in our obedience and trust of Him (as stated of Caleb, v. 24) and might we proclaim this power and truth to the world around us.
As you spend time in prayer this week, please reflect upon and raise up these petitions:
- For God’s power in forgiveness and grace to be evidenced in our lives and that of our congregations.
- For Pastor Adam Osier and family as he has accepted the call to serve as Dean of AFLBS beginning July 1
- Please pray for Ruthfred Lutheran Church as they call an Associate Pastor in the absence of Pastor Osier.
- For Pastor David Johnson’s team who are planning, preparing, and praying for our 57th AFLC Annual Conference to be held June 11-14 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in Canadensis, PA. May the Lord strengthen and encourage their hearts in this season of preparation, and may many willing hands be raised up to assist.
- For our AFLBS students currently enrolled in the Cross Cultural Ministry class as they currently receive classroom instruction and then will be traveling to Cuenca, Ecuador, where they will put their learning into practice during the first two weeks of April.
- For the raising up of the necessary financial resources for the new Student Life Center. We seek that the Lord be glorified in the raising up of these gifts, and that a total of $5.6M be received which would enable us to break ground. A total of $3.1M has been given or promised as of this writing.
- For 75 students to begin studies at AFLBS in the fall of 2019. We praise the Lord for the 60 students currently accepted to begin as first year students next fall.
- For our AFLC leadership, including Staff, Faculty, Corporations and Boards. To be effective leaders and stewards we must seek wisdom and discernment from the Lord, and in view of this, we appeal to His mercies to guide and direct us in every decision.
- For our Seminary interns who are completing their internship and are now seeking God’s call unto a local congregation. May You be at work in this process, drawing each man to the congregation You have prepared for him. Also, pray for the seminarians who have just recently been assigned congregations for their upcoming internships, and bless them with Your guidance and grace as they transition from the class room to the ‘congregation’ room for their final year of training.
On behalf of the Intercessor Team,
Pastor Kirk Flaa, Sioux Falls, SD
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