2 Corinthians 1:11 “you also joining in helping us through your prayers, so that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many.”
Paul provides a wonderful encouragement to us in this text, one that uplifts our hearts as we consider that prayer within and from the community of believers is prayer that is powerful and effective indeed. Far from being marginal and minimal, prayer is depicted here and throughout the whole of Scripture as major and miraculous, and a means by which we enter into God’s work and draw upon His assistance in Kingdom endeavors, both our own and that of others. Paul provides a wonderful example of a man who sought prayer, received prayer, and offered prayer—might we aspire in the same manner as we come to our Lord’s throne of grace in prayer, for it is in prayer that we often provide the most service to those around us.
In these next weeks, please bring these intercessions to our LORD:
- Intercede on behalf of our five interns who have recently received their Internship assignments. May they be granted grace and wisdom for all practical as well as spiritual preparations.
- Intercede with praise and thanks for successful January Continuing Education and J-term classes. May the truths learned be applied in ministry, in congregations, and in the lives of each individual who participated.
- Intercede for our churches that are currently experiencing pastoral vacancy. May their call teams be granted wisdom, insight, and patience as they wait upon the LORD, and may the will of God be accomplished in the lives of those men seeking a call to a congregation.
- Intercede on behalf of all our students and faculty as they launch into a new semester. Additionally, we give praise for the 44 AFLBS students already enrolled for our fall semester and pray that the LORD would add another 30.
- Intercede on behalf of our choirs as they participate in their tours and may this ministry bring blessing to our congregations, and glory to our Lord.
- Intercede that pastors be called and raised up by God. Our AFLC faces an urgent need for men to answer the call to parish ministry and we boldly seek that the Lord of the harvest draws these men to our Seminary. We are grateful to offer a praise for the 28 men that have started seminary training since we have begun praying for 40 more pastors.
- Intercede for our building committee as they finalize plans for a gymnasium, classroom, and office facility, and for the future ministry this building will host and facilitate.
- Intercede for the persecuted church, that we always are mindful of the connection we have as part of the church universal through the blood of Christ. May we continually uphold these brothers and sisters that their faith remains strong, that God be glorified, and that their witness in the most difficult of circumstances brings conversion to those who persecute them.
On behalf of the Intercessor Team,
Pastor Kirk Flaa
Sioux Falls, SD
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