Dear Praying Friends,
This is a new voice writing this near-monthly letter, and I want to thank Pastors Wayne Hjermstad and Kirk Flaa for a DECADE (believe it or not) of contacts with prayer supporters of Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary. I will give you a brief overview each month, along with some specific prayer prompts, but know that however you lift up FLBCS in your prayers, you are helping.
Since your last intercessor letter, our Bible College enrollment increased from 102 to 108. One student decided not to return for the second semester but may join us again next fall. Another seven students joined as first-time students. It’s not all about numbers, but we want to “establish in God’s Word” every student we can, so it’s good to see some growth. Our two-year Bible and Ministry program is already among the largest of its kind. Places like us don’t really exist anymore, and people are thrilled when they find us.
At the same time, our Seminary enrollment is increasing. We anticipate at least seven new full-time students next fall, and several others are considering for this year and next. Coming to Seminary is a matter of call– a call to prepare– so pray for these men, their families, and their congregations in the decision-making process. One new student joined this semester, a gentleman from China.
In mid-January our Board of Trustees adopted a new, three-year strategic plan. You will hear more about that soon, as it’s rather exciting. It comes as a culmination of two years of work receiving training in board governance, working through financial and academic improvements, and working with a broad group to chart our best path forward. All of this was bathed in your prayers. Thank you.
Prayer points
- Faithful and effective preaching and teaching in both the Bible College and Seminary.
- The right people– at the right time– for several positions we need to hire and/or replace–Especially in the hire of a new “Director of Spiritual Formation” who will oversee our campus-wide discipleship and dorm ministry efforts.
- Financial provision– Like your family, our campus and the families involved feel financial pain. We do our best to take care of them, and God is providing. Please pray for that continuation.
- Good communication of a new approach to billing, scholarships, and need-based financial aid–Our new approach is more transparent, showing students what their education actually costs, then crediting back large amounts from generous donors. We’ve always done this invisibly, but pray for students, parents, congregations, and donors to understand the change.
- The city of Plymouth, and larger Minneapolis, the state of Minnesota, and our nation–We function best when our governments are governing effectively and justly.
- Congregational health and theological integrity in our AFLC Congregations–Education doesn’t fix everything, and every congregation has beauty, hardship, promise, and pain.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Wade Mobley
President, Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary
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