Intercessor Team Update – July

Dear Praying Friends of Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary:

The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. — Psalm 16:5-6 (ESV)

I do not get to officiate at many weddings or funerals these days, but I was blessed to be a part of a wedding in July. It was a family member and FLBC grad who married another FLBC grad. Two sweet families were involved, and like many such events, FLBC alumni were EVERYWHERE. And so were their children.

I’m officially old enough now to sit back and take it all in. There is nothing better than watching the next generation simply doing life as Christians, passing on their faith to the next generation. I love them all. It’s amazing to see, and noticeable by others. The gentlemen we hired to do some sound support commented, “There’s something different about this group.” And he meant it in a good way.

That got me thinking about the vocational impact of our graduates (more than the vocational impact of FLBCS). When I say “vocational impact” I mean how we as individual Christians make a difference in the world. Sometimes we feel insignificant. I admit that I feel much less politically significant in Minnesota, a much larger state where I really don’t know my elected representatives like I had in South Dakota. This election season we will be tempted to place way too much hope in political influence. I’m tempted that way, too.

But where we tend to make our biggest impact is in the family, the congregation, and society— usually the closest element of our society, our neighborhoods or communities. My kids are getting to the age where I start to wonder what they will do for a living and how they will support themselves. I worry about it, frankly, and I’m not alone. But think of the tragedy it would be if I prepared them to make a living but not to make a “vocational impact” as a Christian. I don’t want my kids to be rich and foundationless.

So, it blesses my soul to see my kids interacting with our recent graduates and watching them succeed at life. It’s amazing, and the privilege of each staff member to observe it in action every day.

Thanks for praying. Before I give you this month’s list:

Some news 1: I thank God for our enrollment. We will begin this fall with 120 or so undergraduate students plus about 18 in the seminary. I would like to see that number at 160 and 25 in the next three years, but18 in a seminary for an association of 255 congregations is pretty good, and 120 undergraduate students, most of them here for only two years and ALL of them pursuing Bible and Ministry only… it’s a miracle. At conferences my peers ask me three questions:

  1. Where do you get that many students for Bible and ministry?
  2. How can you charge that little, especially without government money?
  3. How can an association that small support a school like that?

The answer to all three is “it’s really beyond any of us, and only by the grace of God.” 

Some news 2: I’ve mentioned “Beyond Limits” a couple of times lately. You can read more about it here: Beyond Limits is a ministry that was housed at a Christian College that recently closed its physical campus. They minister to college students who do not need personal care assistance but have a variety of limitations that could prevent them from succeeding at college. We will have 4-5 students from Beyond Limits in the dorms next year and some of our students will be employed by Beyond Limits to help a bit each day. They will take a mix of our courses and some not-for-credit life skills courses from Beyond Limits. I think it’s going to be a blessing to a lot of our current students, too. It seems to be a good fit.

Some news 3: Our annual “Friends of FLBCS” banquet will be a 60th Anniversary Gala this year. It will be a dressy event on the floor of the Student Life Center. We expect about 300 people to attend for dinner, a ministry update, and a keynote address from Dr. Phillip Dearborn, President of the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Watch for more details soon at

Some news 4: Finally, you will hear more soon (if you have not already) about our Annual Campaign approach to donor relations. It is a more proactive approach, talking to regular donors in advance rather than just waiting to see what comes in. I think this is going to help a lot, especially when it comes to planning, budgeting, and stewarding the resources God has given us. You can get the latest updates on the annual campaign, including a place to give online, at

As always, we cannot by our own reason or strength do anything close to “establishing students in the Word of God for life in Jesus Christ,” so thank you for praying.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Wade Mobley
President, Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary

Praise God for:

  • Focused staff, faculty, administration, and leadership entering a new year
  • Good enrollment for the coming year (including over a dozen already for fall 2025)
  • Successful begging to our partnership with Beyond Limits
  • A great group of seminarians, including large families
  • Mostly safe summer team travel, with fruitful ministry

Please Pray for:

  • Students/parents fall transition
  • Wisdom for students considering enrollment this year and next
  • Successful start for our first cohort of Bible and Ministry BA students
  • Diligence from (and provision for) our staff, administration, and faculty
  • Wisdom for our Board of Trustees and Corporation
  • Wisdom for other leaders in the AFLC, including Pastor Micah Hjermstad
  • A fruitful Annual Campaign and 60th Anniversary Gala
  • For rulers and all those who are in authority, that we might live a quiet and peaceful life

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