Intercessor Team Update – March 29

“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah.” (Psalm 62:8)

 David’s example in this Psalm is a good reminder for us of at least two truths. One, that where man will fail, God will not. He alone is trustworthy and unfailing in His mercy, love, and provision. And two, we see the appeal to prayer. As David found himself confronted with man’s treachery, oppression and unfaithfulness resulting in times that were tumultuous and difficult, he immediately sought counsel and comfort in the Lord. What a splendid example for us, in that whatever day or season we are presently facing, there is no surer and safer refuge than the Lord our God. And what a blessed privilege it is to come to Him in prayer!

As you come to your prayer closet in the next few weeks, please remember these petitions:

  • Pray for the Student Life Center building committee as they have announced that plans are now ready for bidding. As this project moves closer to groundbreaking we continue to praise our Lord for the funds that have been raised up, and submit to His care the funds that remain to be given.
  • Pray for the upcoming Concert Choir tour to take place March 29-April 14. Several churches will be visited in states including Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. We pray for journey mercies and God to be glorified in song and in sharing.
  • Pray for the 9 seminarians who have recently been assigned congregations for their upcoming internships, and bless them with Your guidance and grace as they transition from the class room to the ‘congregation’ room for their final year of training.
  • Pray for the community outreach event planned for May 4th as Andrew Peterson and special guest artist Taylor Leonhardt share in a concert on our campus. We seek that God use this event to proclaim the Good News of the gospel in our community.
  • Pray for at least 7 new students to begin Seminary studies in the fall of 2019. We give thanks for our Seminary’s 27 students, and for God’s faithfulness in calling men as we began specific prayer in 2016 for the raising up of 40 new pastors in the course of 5 years. By God’s grace, we are nearing this goal. Praise Him!
  • Praise God for 71 completed new student applications for the fall of 2019, and pray for a total of 100, which we think we result in 75 new students at AFLBS.
  • We pray for our students, facility, and staff as we near the end of another semester of study. May the Word of God edify, equip, and encourage as it is taught on our campus, and might our community experience a full measure of the Holy Spirit’s work in these final weeks.
  • We pray for an increased awareness as to the magnitude of the spiritual battle being waged around us, and the vital and absolute importance of prayer and the Word of God as we defend against spiritual forces arrayed against the good work of the LORD being accomplished in our midst.


On behalf of the Intercessor Team,

Pastor Kirk Flaa, Sioux Falls, SD

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