“Then Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went up to the house of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD. Hezekiah prayed to the LORD…” (Isaiah 37:14–15)
It is a privilege to come every 3 weeks to encourage us to be interceding on behalf of our AFLC, Bible College, and Seminary. Yet, never have we experienced a more dramatic and stunning change in any 3-week period. As our nation and communities have been ‘invaded’ by COVID-19, we now live in an unprecedented time for ministry, a time that I believe will result in defining who we are and what we will be for a long time to come. Our appeal is always one of leading from a place of faith and not of fear, of a confidence in Christ and not panic amidst crisis, and to that end all the more we must realize the necessity of prayer. Hence, we turn to the account of King Hezekiah, as he is facing the onslaught of the Assyrian army, an unstoppable force bent on death and destruction. In this time of crisis Hezekiah doesn’t panic, he doesn’t freeze up, and he doesn’t buy out Costco’s supply of toilet paper…but he enters into God’s house and pours out his heart in prayer. And you know the rest of the story…v. 36ff details the complete destruction of this foe by the hand of the angel of the LORD.
Friends, if ever a season of time required God’s people to pray, it is now! On behalf of the Intercessor team, I thank you for your partnership in this ministry. You are a blessing! As you come to your prayer closet these next weeks, please recall the following petitions:
- We give thanks that “You alone, LORD, are God” (Isaiah 37:20b)! Regardless of what may be going on all around us, let us remember that our God is still on the throne!
- We give thanks for the opportunities currently opening up for churches, congregations, and individuals to serve, to proclaim the Gospel, and to be salt and light in the community around them. May we recognize the many ministry opportunities that this unprecedented crisis is opening up for the Gospel.
- We ask for guidance for all of our churches as they respond in this season of “social and physical distancing” and its impact on corporate worship. May the use of technology to reach our communities be effective and fruitful.
- We ask for grace, patience, and protection for our families as most are likely together at home now for an extended period of time. May this “gift” of time and opportunity be used wisely by our families, and may all be granted an extra measure of patience in this season.
- We ask for blessing and favor over our own efforts at “distance education” and that all of our students, both Bible College and Seminary, would be able to stay connected and engaged despite not being on campus.
- We ask for godly wisdom and prudence to be shown by all our elected officials as they make decisions in this time of crisis and change. We seek the same for all those who are leading the AFLC, Bible College, and Seminary. May these folks be blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit, and directed by Him.
- We ask that it always be true of us as individuals, congregations, and an association that “I will life up my eyes to the mountains, from where shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2). Let us seek You all the more in these days Lord, asking for your protection and provision in this critical time, blessing and keeping all of our students and their families, and guiding us as we continually look to the Unchanging One in these ever changing times.
On behalf of the Intercessor team,
Pastor Kirk Flaa, Sioux Falls, SD
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