Dear Praying Friends of Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary:
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and until the day of eternity. Amen. –2 Peter 3:18 (ESV)
Last week we celebrated the conclusion of the 59th academic year at the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary. Our commencement ceremony was a beautiful testimony to God’s faithful work of establishing students in the Word of God for life in Jesus Christ.
This week we turned our eyes from graduation considerations to exciting events like… assessment. I jest— but you may be surprised to find out that assessment really is exciting! We assess everything from food service to facilities to courses to instructors to Wi-Fi to intramural sports to dorm life… you get the picture.
But the one that is most difficult to assess is spiritual life— just how does one quantify being “established in the Word of God for life in Jesus Christ?” Long term there are ways. I think of families, congregations, and communities all impacted by faithful service of students who have been established in God’s Word on our campus. But year to year, it’s more difficult.
One lesson we have learned in measuring spiritual growth is to measure outputs as much as outcomes. On top of our Bible-infused curriculum, we measure our investments in providing students opportunities to participate in activities that lend themselves toward spiritual life: Devotions, discipleship groups, service, and— more than anything else— congregational participation.
All of which leads me to this:
A few years ago, the utilities, streets, curb, and gutter were replaced in our neighborhood. Late into the fall (and right during an early snow fall) they laid down sod near the fresh curb. It has looked this ever since. You can overcome this, but it takes a lot of work, a lot of water, and a lot of amendment. If you look for it, you will see this kind of pattern a lot of places around town. Sod is a lot quicker, and people like instant grassification. But there is no substitute for grass grown slowly in a good medium.
What we do at FLBCS is a seedbed more than a sod farm. “Seminary” actually means “seed bed.” It’s important to play the long game and not take shortcuts in the kingdom of God. One of our fine young graduates has expressed an interest in seminary. I did the math. He won’t be ordained for seven years. Is that acceptable? It needs to be. At the end of that time, he will be a mature, well-trained pastor with four decades of service still in front of him. It can work with a lot of time, work, and amending, but it’s not typically the best approach.
Think “seedbed,” not “sod farm.” Jesus Christ is good at providing the growth.
And so, we pray:
- In thanks for a great year at FLBCS
- In thanks for God’s abundant provision for this ministry
- For our recent graduates from the Bible College and Seminary
- For the choir tour currently in Norway
- For Annual Conference, held on campus this year
- For good transitions for Pastors Moan, Hylden, and Gudim as their families move
- For healthy congregational ministry in and through the AFLC
- For pastors to serve those congregations
- For integrity for our institution and all involved
- For protection from forces of evil who seek to undermine our mission
- For thick skin, soft hearts, receptive ears, and gentle tongues as we minister
- And in all things, we rejoice
In Christ,
Pastor Wade Mobley
President, Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary
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