Intercessor Team Update – May 7

“My voice rises to God, and I will cry aloud; my voice rises to God, and He will hear me.” (Psalm 77:1)

This Psalm opens with a plea of prayer, and through the course of its verses we find the Psalmist seeking comfort amidst a most difficult and trying time. Of the many remarkable characteristics of this passage, may we note particularly that encouragement comes as the psalmist recalls God’s mighty deeds in the past and is certain that the ears of God will indeed receive his petition. As we look to how God has faithfully worked, provided, delivered, and guided in our past, we are all the more called to assurance for our present and future as well, confident too that He hears the prayers of His people. In view of this truth, may we be encouraged as we intercede in the coming weeks on behalf of our AFLC and our Schools.

In your prayer time over the next few weeks, please remember these petitions:

  • Pray for our students as they prepare for finals and the close of this academic year. May they be refreshed by their participation in events that build community, kinship, and mutual support one of another, as well as seeking for them focus and disciplined study, with learning and application that is both in head and in the heart.
  • Pray for those preparing to graduate and for the spring concert and other graduation festivities to be held on May 18-19 in Plymouth. May our graduates experience the fullness of God’s presence as they go forth from our Schools as ambassadors for Jesus.
  • Pray for the many folks planning for our 56th Annual Conference to be held in Dickinson, ND, June 12-15 under the theme “That You May Know” (1 John 5:13). We look forward to this opportunity to come together as a community of faith, seeking God’s will and leading, giving thanks for His gracious and sustaining provision, and acknowledging His powerful work within our AFLC and its congregations.
  • Pray for the ongoing process of accreditation on behalf of our Schools, and for the labors of the many on campus who are assisting in this process.
  • For the AFLBS Alumni Association as they work in support of our students, encourage alumni, raise financial and prayer support, and expand the ministry of our Bible School.
  • Pray for our building committee and their three-year task of completing construction of both a gymnasium and a dormitory.
  • Pray for our AFLC leaders–President of AFLC Schools, Rev. Wade Mobley; AFLTS Dean, Dr. James Molstre; AFLBS Dean Rev. Joel Rolf; AFLC President, Rev. Lyndon Korhonen; AFLC VP, Rev. Peter Franz; AFLC Secretary Rev. Micah Hjermstad; and AFLC Asst. to President, Rev. Gary Jorgenson. Pray as well for our Board of Trustees and our various Corporations that these leaders, individually and corporately, would be granted wisdom, understanding, and direction according to God’s will.
  • Pray for the persecuted church, that we always are mindful of the connection we have as part of the church universal through the blood of Christ. May we continually uphold these brothers and sisters that their faith remains strong, that God be glorified, and that their witness in the most difficult of circumstances brings conversion to those who persecute them.


On behalf of the Intercessor Team,
Pastor Kirk Flaa
Sioux Falls, SD

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