“You also joining in helping us through your prayers, so that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many.” (2 Corinthians 1:11)
This verse draws to a close Paul’s description of a period of intense affliction, a burden so excessive that the prospect of death seemed inevitable. And yet, God delivered from this affliction and Paul links this deliverance with the prayers of the church of Corinth. I have always found it astounding to consider the picture of effectiveness this verse provides to us for prayer. It is easy at times for us to believe our prayers don’t matter, or that God doesn’t listen; yet, this verse affirms without a shadow of doubt the importance of prayer on behalf of God’s people and should necessarily encourage us in its practice all the more!
As you come before the Lord in prayer over the course of the next few weeks, please recall these petitions and intercessions:
- We give thanks for the launch of a new academic year, and praise God for the privilege of equipping men and women for the work of the Kingdom. It is a joy to be back on campus!
- We give thanks for our Staff and instructors and give praise for the Lord bringing together such a gifted and God-honoring team. We ask that the Lord richly fill their hearts with encouragement and joy as they labor in the Kingdom by teaching, serving, equipping, mentoring, and listening.
- Intercede for the “Spotlight on God’s Word” training event coming to our campus October 4-5. Keith Ferrin will be sharing with us about the “living and active” word of God and the role it is to have in our lives.
- Intercede for the “Upclose” event to be hosted by our Free Lutheran Bible College on October 16th. The gathering is designed for juniors, seniors, and recent graduates to gain and up-close and personal look at the FLBC.
- Intercede for the continued construction of our Student Life Center and the future giving to fully fund the project. As we do so we also anticipate the powerful way the Lord will use this facility to build community, enhance fellowship and Christian activity, and further the growth of His kingdom on our campus and beyond.
- Intercede that our Lord direct men’s hearts to pastoral training at our seminary. There is an urgent need for men, and we seek God’s work in their lives and in this call. As the fields remain white unto harvest, may the Lord send workers into His harvest.
- Intercede for the persecuted church, that we always are mindful of the connection we have as part of the church universal through the blood of Christ. May we continually uphold these brothers and sisters that their faith remains strong, that God be glorified, and that their witness in the most difficult of circumstances brings conversion to those who persecute them.
Thank you for “helping us through your prayers”!
On behalf of the Intercessor team,
Pastor Kirk Flaa, Sioux Falls, SD
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