“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” “Come to me . . . learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever.” – (Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 11:28-30 and 2 Peter 3:18)
The Christian life is both life giving and life sustaining. It possesses everything we will ever need in Christ. We serve the Lord with joy because we already have our prize. We could call our life with Christ a journey of discovery. This is the spirit of a Christian in daily life and at the Bible College and Seminary.
Walking with Christ according to His Word offers us new and continual sources of contentment, satisfaction and joy not known before. There is nothing more exciting in life than experiencing something of the eternal while on earth. One never knows what God will show us tomorrow and the peace our hearts will discover.
To grow in a solid understanding of God’s Word is foremost. Then what joy it is when applied to life, faith and service to others. 2022 FLBC graduate, Sarah Gullickson, spent her summer on an FLBC team. “I am so pleased with my time at FLBC and with a wonderful church home at Hope Lutheran,” she said. Sarah explained how important her involvement was in the ministry of a local church. “In that way, one actually feels part of that church family,” she added. The practical application of classroom training translates the academic into meaningful action.
Please join us in thanksgiving and prayer for:
- The wonderful debriefing of FLBC summer teams sharing God’s presence
- The learning that took place at the Summer Institute of Theology with 50 students in August.
- AFLC leadership, officers, staff, faculty, corporations and boards for wisdom and direction
- His provision, protection and guidance as we enter this coming academic year. Pray for administration to follow the Lord’s blueprint of the coming year. Also pray for the staff at all levels as they provide incredible support for this ministry
- Pray for the professors to be Spirit led and students tuned in to the Word by the Spirit
- All things are now ready for 101 students – Fall Semester began August 31
- Pray for recent graduates and current students as they find good church homes away from home and possible ministry opportunities
- There are 29 students pre-registered for 2023-2024 school year (pray for follow through)
- Upcoming events: check flbc.edu/events to register
Spotlight: Defending Life – Oct. 9-10
UpClose – high school juniors and seniors experience campus life on October 20-21
Alumni Basketball Tournament – October 21-22
Thank you for joining with us in the important part of His Kingdom’s work. Strengthening our relationship with the Lord is ultimately what keeps us connected to each other in the Kingdom as we fellowship and work together for His glory. Please check out our website at flbc.edu and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
On behalf of our Intercessor Team,
Pastor Wayne Hjermstad
FLBC Congregational Connections Coordinator
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