Lance Morrison Testimony
“A drastic change.” That’s how first year seminarian, Lance Morrison, describes his life compared to what it was just a few months ago. Lance was in his 19th year at John Deere Electronic Solutions, where familiarity and routine defined each day. “It’s all different now,” says Lance.
Lance’s road to seminary began back in 2013, while attending the Summer Institute of Theology (SIT) at the AFLC Schools. Ever since that week of classes, the thought of pursing seminary training never went away. “I ignored it for several years,” admits Lance. Eventually he took a first leap of faith and started taking seminary classes through the Lutheran Brethren Seminary’s distance education program.
After completing his 2017 spring semester classes, Lance sensed the Lord’s leading to get more serious about ministry preparation. “It was like God said, ‘You need to look into something full time,’” explains Lance. The AFLC has become home to the Morrisons ever since joining West Prairie Free Lutheran Church in Kindred, ND, so AFLTS seemed to be a natural fit. In a matter of weeks, Lance was accepted to AFLTS and he and his wife were making plans to move to the Twin Cities.
“God has lined up everything for us,” says Lance. “He provided a home for us to rent and people to help us move. It’s been quite amazing to see how God has made it possible.”
The transitions don’t come without struggle, but Lance is confident the Lord will prove himself faithful. “This big change is completely illogical. It doesn’t make sense. We’re trying to figure out how we’ll make ends meet and adjust to all the changes, but it’s where God wants us to be.”
Most of all, Lance anticipates how the Lord will further prepare him for pastoral ministry. “I look forward to having a much deeper and thorough understanding of Scripture, because our whole Christian faith is based on what God’s Word has to offer,” says Lance.
Lance joins two dozen other men at AFLTS who have stepped into the unknowns of seminary life, trusting an all-knowing God to prepare and equip them for serving congregations. By God’s grace, three years of classroom instruction and a one-year congregational internship provides knowledge and understanding for communicating the gospel message, ministry skills necessary for shepherding God’s people and equipping believers for the work of ministry, and the right tools for a being a lifelong student and teacher of Scripture.
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