Matthew Quanbeck Testimony
Class of 2010
It is crazy to think that it has already been seven years since I graduated from the Association Free Lutheran Bible School. Life has changed a lot since then. I got married to my incredible wife, Cortney, graduated from college, and spent three years serving as the AFLBS Men’s Resident Head while attending the Association Free Lutheran Theological Seminary.
In the meantime, God put two more wonderful ladies in my life, Aleithia (2 years old) and Selah (6 months old). We are now in Bethel Park, PA where I am serving my seminary internship at Ruthfred Lutheran Church.
At Bible School, I gained a better grasp of the completeness of Christ’s work on my behalf. For years, I had struggled with assurance of salvation. Had I repented well enough? Was my faith strong enough? Did I love Jesus enough? I knew that I wasn’t saved by my works, but some of the ways in which people described conversion made me feel like I had to maintain a certain level of faith, surrender, passion for God, hatred for sin, etc. in order to keep my salvation. Since AFLBS, I have continued to grow in my understanding of the freedom I have in Christ. My passion in becoming a pastor is to share that freedom with the people I minister to and to help them share it with the world around them. Far too many Christians are driven by the idea that they need to perform at a certain level in order to keep God happy with them. I still remember one of the professors at AFLBS speaking at chapel and explaining that we can’t make God any happier with us than He already is through Christ. That is the freedom of the Gospel!
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