
Apply by April 3!

Scholarship applications are now open for the 2025-26 academic year. FLBC offers scholarships for demonstrated achievement in a variety of disciplines. Review the application criteria and available scholarships below.

Application Deadlines:

  • Priority Merit Scholarships - November 30 , 2024
  • Final Merit Scholarships - January 30, 2025

Applicants will receive an award decision within 3-4 weeks after the application deadline. Need-based aid is granted through a separate financial aid application


  • All recommendation forms and transcripts must be received by the application deadline.
  • You must be an accepted student at FLBC to be considered for scholarships.
  • All applicants must show a minimum GPA of 2.0 (3.5 for the academic scholarship). Recipients will forfeit their award if their GPA drops below the minimum at the end of any semester at FLBC.
  • Need-based aid is granted through a separate financial aid application
  • Please read through the requirements and descriptions of these scholarships to ensure you meet the minimum qualifications.
Incoming Student Scholarship Application

Fill out the appropriate form to apply for all merit-based scholarships.

Thorpe Scholarship Application - Returning Students

Incoming Students

Incoming students can apply for merit-based scholarships related to music and academic achievement. Some may also be eligible for a legacy award.


Returning Students

Returning students can also apply for the half tuition Thorpe Scholarship for Leadership Development. Please indicate your interest in each scholarship category using the application form below. 


International Students

International student aid is separate from the scholarship opportunities listed below. International students may request information on International Student Scholarship by contacting

Academic Achievement Scholarship


  • Unweighted GPA of 3.5 or above
  • Standardized test score (CLT, ACT, SAT) is not required but may increase award amount.
Important: An official transcript must be received before the beginning of the academic year to verify your GPA. The academic scholarship can be forfeited if your GPA drops below 3.5 at the end of any semester at FLBC. Students who maintain this GPA will receive an academic award each year they attend FLBC. Award amounts for future academic years will be based on available funds. 

Classical Learning Test

Although standardized test results are not required for admission to FLBC, a CLT score is preferred from all academic scholarship applicants. The CLT provides an objective way for FLBC administration to assess a student's academic aptitude. Everyone who submits a CLT score by January 30, 2025 will receive an automatic $100 scholarship and may also be considered for additional academic awards. To register for the test, visit Once you have completed the test, applicants must send their results to FLBC through their CLT student account.

SAT and ACT scores are accepted as an alternative to the CLT. The $100 scholarship is not available for ACT and SAT test takers. 

Music Scholarship

FLBC offers music scholarships of up to $1000 per year to talented music students. This scholarship is renewable based on the recipient's continued contribution to and involvement in music ensembles at FLBC.


  • Submit a high-quality and unedited vocal or instrumental recording. Students must provide the composers and titles of the selections and the date of the recording.
  • Complete the FLBC Music Scholarship questions on the scholarship application form.
  • Submit one letter of recommendation, written by someone who can comment on the student's musical abilities and contributions.

Audition Recording Requirements

All recordings and materials will be reviewed by members of the FLBC music faculty. Students selected as music scholarship finalists may be invited to campus to audition in person or asked to submit a video recording of their music. Students may audition on more than one instrument.

Piano– Two compositions or movements in contrasting styles (approx. 10 minutes total length)

Organ– A Prelude and Fugue by Bach and a hymn

Voice– Two songs or arias in contrasting styles (approx. 7 minutes total length), a major and minor scale

Woodwinds– Two contrasting compositions (approx. 5 minutes in total length), a chromatic scale ascending and descending, full range of the instrument.

Brass– Two compositions in contrasting styles, or one longer composition with contrasting movements (approx. 5 minutes in length), two major scales ascending and descending.

Strings– Two compositions in movements in contrasting styles. One may be an etude that shows the level of your technical development. Two major scales ascending and descending.

Guitar– Two compositions or movements in contrasting styles

Percussion– A prepared solo on snare drum, timpani, or mallet percussion instrument.  Demonstrate six of the 26 American Snare Drum Rudiments

1966-1970 Alumni Legacy Scholarship

The Free Lutheran Bible College has been serving students for almost 60 years. To encourage the legacy of the original classes (1966-1970), donors have made this unique scholarship available to grandchildren and great-grandchildren of graduates from these years. Eligible students may apply by answering the corresponding questions within the scholarship application. The scholarship amount is contingent on the number of applicants and available funds.

Congregational Service Scholarship

FLBC seeks to award incoming students who have given of their time and talents to share the love of Christ in their congregation and community. Recipients of this award have demonstrated a servant heart as they meet real needs and share the gospel in word and action. Examples of such service include teaching Sunday School/VBS, visiting the elderly, volunteering at a para-church ministry, and many other church and community service projects. 


  • Submit a 500 word essay detailing volunteer service in your congregation or in a local ministry your congregation supports. Describe how your work aimed to point others to Christ. Although paid work benefits the community and the Kingdom, do not include paid employment in the essay.
  • Submit a letter of recommendation from someone that observed your volunteer work. This recommendation may not be written by a family member. Recommendation letters can be scanned and emailed to or mailed to Attn. Scholarship Committee, Free Lutheran Bible College, 3134 E. Medicine Lake Blvd. Plymouth, MN 55441. Recommendations must be emailed or postmarked by March 31, 2024.

Thorpe Scholarship for Leadership Development

Second-Year Students Only

The Thorpe Scholarship for Leadership Development is awarded to students who have demonstrated past leadership and both the aptitude for and likeliness of continued Christian leadership in the future. This scholarship is open to second-year students who will be selected by the FLBC scholarship committee through essay, interview, and recommendation at the end of the students’ first year of study.

Recipients will meet in a not-for-credit leadership development cohort with FLBC staff and the President of FLBCS. At the end of each year, the cohort will compile a brief, substantial journal documenting leadership lessons learned. This journal may be published by FLBC and will be shared with the donor who established this scholarship.
This scholarship is endowed by the estate of Rev. Gordon Thorpe, the high school pastor of longtime AFLC leader Rev. Robert L. Lee. Each scholarship awarded will cover half tuition for the second year.

How Do I Apply?

Application Requirements

Questions about Tuition, Aid, or Scholarships?

Email the admissions team, or call 763-544-9501