Spring Break?

While some students headed home over a unique three-week April break, others took advantage of three opportunities to serve and learn. Here are their stories.

Testamental Unity

Andrew Kneeland [AFLTS middler]

THE BIBLE SCHOOL offered a one-week elective course last month, called “The Unity of the Testaments,” taught by Dr. Phil Haugen.

The class offered an overview of the use of typology in the Scriptures, with particular focus given to the biblical themes of “God’s dwelling place,” “firstborn son,” and “God as Divine Warrior” in both Old and New Testament. Types are visual object lessons that God used to pre-picture and anticipate a truth about Christ or the cross.

Recognizing the unity of the testaments is important for believers because it gives proper emphasis to the most significant event in history: the death and resurrection of Christ. The Old Testament and the New Testament are a unit, revealing and proclaiming the same action through different perspectives.

Many contemporary scholars and theologians claim that Scripture is a compilation of different writings of different authors, intended for different purposes. Scripture, however, teaches that there is one system of theology found throughout Scripture: justification by faith. Both the Old and New Testaments proclaim the same God, they offer the same salvation through the same Savior, who accomplished this by the same action on the cross.

Crossing Cultures

Jacob Bierle [AFLBS junior]

IN ACTS, WE LEARN that the early church was known for their love for one another. We are told that “awe came upon every soul” (Acts 2:43). The 2018 Cross-Cultural Ministry Team also wanted to be known for our love. During our time in  Ecuador, God’s abundant provision in every aspect of our lives was made evident. His love for us spilled over into our interactions with each other and the Ecuadorian communities.

God did not miss any opportunity to display His love while we were huddled in prayer at the foot of Santa Cleotilde waterfall, engulfed by the mist and rumble amongst occasional refrains of “Our God is an Awesome God;” or when we stepped into an event center for our final day of programming in the jungle to find that our attendance had increased by five times since the previous night.

We were blessed beyond measure with great health and stamina, safe travels, amazing host families, and welcoming schools and communities. We managed to grow closer and deeper with God as well as with each other. Our prayer is that His love which was manifested through us in Ecuador would continue to overflow into our everyday lives.

Youth Ministry

Maggie Lewandowski [AFLBS junior]

GOD PUT MANY influential people in my life who helped lead me into a deep relationship with Christ. These people worked in my life through six years in youth group. Each of them encouraged me by sharing the gospel with me and expressing an interest in my life.

When Pastor Jason Holt shared a proposal for a spring term class, I signed up because I was excited to continue learning about effective youth ministry.  During five days in April, we met with people from eleven churches across four states. Through our meetings with the kind people who shared their time, ministry, and heart for youth, I realized how important youth ministry truly is. At every church, we talked about kids who are struggling and how
to reach out and show love to them. Almost every youth leader immediately said that first, you have to be genuine. But even if they didn’t say it directly, you could tell they genuinely cared for their kids.

I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of this class and to learn from people who have a heart for youth. They have been a blessing in my life and the lives of those in their congregations.


This article first appeared in Kinship Magazine, Spring 2018 Edition.

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