The Transforming Power of the Good News

Our students share their stories of how God has been working to mold them as they continue to pursue lives of faith and faithful service in His kingdom.

Lexy Spilde [FLBC senior] Arlington, S.D.

As I sit and reflect on what God has been doing in my life over the last year, I can see many blessings, unfailing love, and faithfulness. He has walked with me through good times, hard times, and even times of doubt. God remained faithful through it all. I learned to open my heart to God and let Him take the reins over my life. I had thoughts about not coming back to Bible college, but through many prayers and God’s leading, I am here and more excited than ever for my senior year.

I’m blessed to know without a doubt that God led me here to be surrounded by friends, family, and His Word. God has a way of turning the hard times in our lives into blessings for the future. He has a plan for every single person who walks the earth. I pray that I walk along the paths He has made for me in a way that pleases Him. Psalm 25:4 says, “Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths.” I pray for God to bless each one of you and for God to bless your path.

Mikah Olson [FLBC senior] McIntosh, Minn.

It’s insane for me to think of the work the Lord has done in my life, how He has transformed me and is molding me into what He has called me to be and do. The Lord not only transformed my life when I became a Christian, but He continues to work in me. I came to the Bible college to learn how to be the Christian man that God desires me to be. I wanted to learn not only what it means to be a man of God, but someday a husband and father who is after God’s own heart.

I understand now that those are good reasons for coming to Bible college, but they are almost selfish, and God laid that on my heart a lot this summer. My reason for coming back is to learn how I can share my love of Christ with others and how I can let myself be used by Christ instead of trying to do all the work myself. My constant prayer for myself and all Christians is found in John 3:30, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” We must deny ourselves and submit ourselves to Christ so that He may work through us. All of this can only be done because of His grace, mercy, and love for us.

Alex Woodworth [FLS junior] Oswego, Ill.

I may not be who I ought to be, and I am also not who I once was. But Jesus paid it all. My failures were forgiven at the cross. When I was a student at the University of Minnesota, I didn’t fully realize what Jesus had done for me. And upon realization of this, my life now is certainly different. God is good. He has provided. He has given me friendships. He has given me a church family. He has given me a beautiful wife. He has walked beside me through different struggles. And now, He has called me to grow further in His Word at seminary. This is where he has led me; that’s not to say that He will lead you in the exact same way. But, He will lead you. He will mold you as He sees fit. The thing about being the clay is that the clay doesn’t mold itself. The potter does that. Friends, the potter is good!

Hallie Dutton [FLBC junior] Plymouth, Minn.

God has definitely been showing His works in my life recently, especially when considering how I ended up at Bible college.

His plan was not my plan, but His ways proved better. I had plans to move to Montana State University and begin studying for a bachelor’s degree this fall. In fact, I made it all the way there, moved in for two weeks, and even started classes.

After four days of class, I found myself sitting in my car, not sure what to do. As I looked around, I knew the location was everything I had dreamed of, but the school wasn’t. I started thinking about what I had enjoyed in my short time there and what wasn’t right and began to realize that the only moments I was enjoying were the ones in which I was worshiping Him.

Once that came to mind, I jumped on a racetrack towards Bible college. I was greatly blessed by friends and staff in the Bible college community that I was able to join so quickly. I moved back home within the same day of making my decision and was able to move onto campus on Labor Day with many new friends. Since moving, God has not failed to show me how great His plan is for me. I can’t imagine having ended up anywhere else or getting here in any other way.

This article first appeared in Kinship Magazine, Fall 2019 Edition.

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