I regularly tell new employees that the greatest gift they bring to FLBCS is fresh perspective. Yes, there is a lot to learn, but fresh perspectives help to make observations we may have been missing. We say, “Never let unacceptable things become acceptable,” and “keep asking yourself ‘how do we best fulfill our mission of establishing students in the Word of God for life in Jesus Christ?’”
Sometimes we take FLBCS for granted; familiarity breeds contempt. In my role as President I get to hear a lot of fresh perspectives. The homeschool basketball group (and their opponents) can’t believe what a great campus we have—or that a college with our Bible and ministry focus even exists. Our accreditors and consultants can’t believe how many students we welcome to campus each year with such a narrow focus. They comment on how affordable FLBCS is and how generous our supporters are. Parents of prospective students tell us they wish they would have known about us when they were looking at colleges. One friend of mine spends a lot of time on campus and also serves in a campus ministry at the University of Minnesota. He sees us as a place of hospitality.
These fresh perspectives encourage me and focus my thinking. I meet regularly with a group of friends from various higher education contexts. I asked them to share what they see at FLBCS, and their article follows this one. They wrote from the perspective of a parent considering FLBC for their student. I hope it encourages you as it has me.

Game Changer: The Impact of FLBCS on Your Child’s Life
We all have fond memories of playing games in our youth. Whether your favorite was Scrabble, Ticket to Ride, Boggle, Settlers of Catan, Clue, or Chutes & Ladders, each game provided an adventure toward a goal. The thrill of a 96-point triple-word score in Scrabble or identifying Professor Plum as a suspect in Clue brought a sense of discovery akin to finding a hidden treasure.
While the desire for discovery remains, many of us outgrow playing games. We settle into routines, cease to stretch ourselves, and risk stagnation. The Apostle Paul urged us to press toward the mark or goal, indicating the prize is following the calling of Jesus Christ. In contrast, our culture often emphasizes materialism, social status, and fleeting achievements. The distractions of the world can lead our children astray, down paths of depression, narcissism, or misplaced values. Pastors and parents can help our kids avoid paying the stupid tax that could lead to spiritual bankruptcy.
How can we ensure each generation lays the right foundation for life? Our children tend to value what we prioritize. Imagine if all parents valued biblical preparation for life. Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary (FLBCS) offers a place that ensures a healthy church, denomination, and most importantly, well-prepared children for life. Every parent should see FLBCS as providing the tallest ladder on the game board taking your kids upward with a solid biblical foundation and excellent education.
From the moment you step on campus, the commitment to excellence is evident. But even more striking is the culture and demeanor of the students. This sacred place is where you want your children to find lifelong mates, gain a biblical foundation, and see how God shapes the rest of their lives. FLBCS, accredited by TRACs, has garnered attention from pastors, donors, and academics for all the right reasons. The student body size is remarkable when realizing the representation of a relatively smaller denomination. Few colleges of its size offer such amenities and opportunities within a community of mentors dedicated to developing Christ-followers and leaders. Under Dr. Wade Mobley’s leadership, FLBCS has achieved its strongest financial footing and raised academic standards, making it a prestigious place to study. Transitioning from a 2-year program to offering a coveted bachelor’s degree with a Bible foundation is unmatched within doctoral distinctives.
People often overlook the value right before them. FLBCS’s success should be recognized as a beacon of opportunity. Pastors and parents within the Free Lutheran movement, isn’t it time to rediscover how to help your children win where it truly matters? If your children succeed in every area except faithful service to Jesus Christ, what have they truly gained? No one wants to gamble with their child’s future. No one intends on playing games with their kid’s future, but overlooking what FLBCS can do for your family’s legacy would be a losing proposition.
Ron Hunter, Mark Braisher, and David Williford
Ron Hunter is CEO of Randall House Publishing and D6 Family Ministries. He teaches leadership as an adjunct at the college level.
Mark Braisher was the chair of the visitation team for TRACS when FLBCS first received accreditation in 2018. He served for decades in a number of roles, including Executive VP, at Randall University in Moore, OK.
David Williford recently retired as VP of Institutional Advancement at Welch College in Gallatin, TN.
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