In October, God blessed students and friends of the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary with a visit from Megan Almon, a polished and experienced bioethics presenter. Megan applied pro-life argumentation to several cultural issues, including the lives of the unborn, the disabled, and the aged. We scheduled our “Spotlight: Life” conference last spring when some change in abortion legislation seemed imminent.
For some readers, the “why” of this event will be obvious, and for others less so. Many people (and both political parties) have made abortion and related issues political, but the value of human life far exceeds the political realm. Human life possesses innate value by virtue of creation, redemption, and call. Every human being is a precious, eternal human soul, created in the image of God, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and called through the gospel to be reconciled to Himself. The most vulnerable of these souls need and deserve our protection.
While some support abortion for blatantly nefarious reasons, many do so out of a misguided sense of valuing some human life but at the expense of others. Bioethics and pro-life advocacy move so fast that we can’t possibly keep up and teach students what to think about various issues. For this reason, we teach students how to think about these issues and how to do so biblically. If you get the big, foundational issues right, much else follows closely. If someone knows how to value human life, they will probably get issues like abortion—and much else—right, as well.
As we establish students in the Word of God for life in Jesus Christ, we do so in such a way that students develop both a sound biblical foundation and the desire and ability to care for other souls. We are proud of our students and our program. Enjoy this issue of Kinship, and when you get a chance, visit us in Plymouth.
Dr. Wade Mobley [FLBCS President]
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