AFLC Annual Conference Report 2024

The following is the cumulative report to the 2024 AFLC Annual Conference
from the board and administration of the Free Lutheran Bible College and
Seminary. We praise God for His work in the lives of our students.


Greetings to the 62nd Annual Conference of the AFLC from the Free
Lutheran Bible College and Seminary Board of Trustees. We welcome you
to the beautiful campus of the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary
(FLBCS) as we gather this June 12-15, 2024, around the theme “His Word
Does Not Return Empty” from Isaiah 55:11.

Our Bible College and Seminary were founded on this fact that God’s
Word is powerful and accomplishes what God has sent it to do. We have
seen that God’s Word has strengthened the AFLC through the students
who have gone through FLBCS. We are especially thankful for the vision
that the founders of the AFLC had in establishing the Seminary and Bible
College. This fall marks the 60th class that will start at the Seminary. Our
mission remains “to establish students in the eternal and inerrant Word of
God for a life of faith in Jesus Christ and faithful service in His Kingdom.”

We seek to be faithful stewards of this mission by regularly reviewing the
mission, core values, and institutional objectives of FLBCS. Over the past
several years we’re received board governance training and were trained
in how to prepare and implement a strategic plan. This year we’ve gone
through the process of doing our first annual update of the strategic plan.
The strategic plan looks ahead three years and seeks ways to incrementally
improve on fulfilling our mission. Expanding our programs to include an
Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Ministry is a key part of
our strategic plan and we are looking forward to a successful start to these
programs this fall. Not only will this give us more students but provides
an opportunity for us to prepare them more thoroughly for ministry in the
congregation. This helps us to continue to do what our mission calls us to
do, but more of it. We are hoping more students will be funneled into our
seminary directly from our BA program in the Bible College.

One of our key strategic goals is that we will successfully stand against
the increased cultural pressures of conformity and compromise. We see
this push to conform coming from the state of Minnesota legislature very
recently in their trying to limit religious freedom in hiring by religious
institutions. Fortunately, this is clearly unconstitutional under federal law
and it’s highly unlikely that it will affect our school due to our size and our
narrow focus on the Bible and Ministry, but it shows us the headwinds of
our society that we are in. We have to work diligently to keep the ship true
to the principles of God’s Word.

With the start of the BA in Bible and Ministry adding many new courses,
we engaged in the process to call another full-time faculty member. Soon
after extending the call to Dr. Jarrod Hylden, we learned that Dr. Jerry
Moan was taking a call to a congregation, opening the need to fill another
position. Since we had already interviewed Dr. Jason Gudim and wanted
to call him in the future, we were able to extend a call to him as well for
the coming academic year.

Other highlights of the past year include facility updates such as replacing
the chapel roof, exterior improvements to the campus house, continued
replacement of dorm furniture, among other things.

We tested our endeavor to build strategic depth in our school administration
by allowing President Mobley a sabbatical this past fall. If you didn’t
hear much about that, it was successful as it showed that we could shift
responsibilities around to others and keep operating as normal. A number
of things were learned with his sabbatical that will help FLBCS improve
operations going forward.

We are thankful to the AFLC, to those who attend the annual conference,
and the individuals and congregations that give to and pray for FLBCS.
Thank you for giving and praying! The work cannot be effective without
the prayers of God’s saints. And a special thanks to those who serve on the
AFLC Nominating Committee. They have a difficult task to seek potential
board members who are foremost passionate about the mission of FLBCS
and willing to give sacrificially of their time and talents.

We have wonderful board members who have a love and passion for
our Bible College and Seminary. Please thank them for their service,
especially Don Balmer who completes 10 years of service on the board,
and Jason Gudim who served 4 years on the board and is stepping because
of his new role as fulltime faculty.

Current members of the Board of Trustees are:
Chairman – Mr. Phil Johnson (Esko, MN)
Vice-Chairman – Rev. Alan Arneson (Amery, MN)
Secretary – Rev. Jason Gudim (Golden Valley, MN) (resigned to
take call as fulltime faculty)
Mr. Donald Balmer (Thief River Falls, MN) (completed second 5
year term)
Mr. Gary Erickson (Fergus Falls, MN)
Rev. Stephen Snipstead (Kalispell, MT)
Mr. Nathan Dalager (Moorhead, MN)

Respectively submitted,
Mr. Phil Johnson


To the 62nd Annual Conference of the Association of Free Lutheran
Congregations, gathering this June 12-15, 2024, on the campus of the Free
Lutheran Bible College and Seminary in Plymouth, Minnesota; grace and
peace to you in the name of God, our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this year of our Lord 2024 the Free Lutheran Bible College and
Seminary enters its 60th year of establishing students in the eternal and
inerrant Word of God for a life of faith in Jesus Christ and faithful service
in His kingdom. We welcome you to campus. Some of you arrive for the
first time; others return to ground hallowed by fond memories. It is our joy
to host you, serve you, and celebrate with you.

To this day, a plurality of courses at the Free Lutheran Bible College and
Seminary are exegetical, by which is meant verse by verse study of God’s
Word that is then applied to life, the world, and everything in it. All other
classes are tied directly to connected subjects; the Free Lutheran Bible
College is a College of the Bible in every sense, and the Free Lutheran
Seminary a seedbed that grows servant pastors for free and living Lutheran

A fair question arises: “What is so important about the Bible that you
study it so much!?!” The Bible is God’s Word; it is God’s Word to us,
and for us. The Bible is a book, but it is no ordinary book. The Word
of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12-13) and always accomplishes
the purpose for which it was sent (Isaiah 55:11, this year’s theme verse).
God’s Word is God’s truth about God’s world and everything in it. In this
sense, confessing God’s Word is agreement with God about reality. Our
confession of Christ in and through God’s Word is not just a confession
of faith, but also an exercise in sanity. As one earlier Christian apologist
(Francis Schaeffer) noted, no one can invent a world and then live in it.

For most of us FLBCS is the only institution of higher education that we
know well. For this reason, we sometimes lack perspective; familiarity,
as they say, breeds contempt. Sometimes we are not conscious about
the depth of God’s goodness to us. We have something special here–
something of which our forebears would be proud. For many of us the two
years of Bible School (or four years of Seminary) were the most formative
times in our lives. I see souls, families, congregations, and communities
transformed by Christ through the work of FLBCS.

When I talk to leaders of other colleges and seminaries, I am reminded
of what a special place we have. Sometimes we need others to give us a
perspective check:

*We started last year with 110 students in an undergraduate Bible and
Ministry program. It is the largest specifically Bible and Ministry program
that I know of.
*The Seminary this year contained one student for every 14
congregations. That doesn’t seem like much, but it far exceeds other
*Our incoming student undergraduate enrollment ranked 29th of 155 in
the Association for Biblical Higher Education, even though we only have
one program to attract students.
*The Bible Institute movement is almost gone, with such institutions
either closing or becoming broad-focus colleges or universities with
several emphases. One similar institution recently had 29 incoming
students and 22 programs. This isn’t a winning formula.
*Our price point is far less that other private Christian colleges and less
than most public college options. Remember to compare tuition, room,
board, and fees, not just what a billboard says.
*We receive no federal or state financial aid, which is a help for— but no
guarantee of— missional freedom.
*Donors give us more money per student than any institution I know
of, and that does not even include capital campaign gifts and estates/
endowments. You support us generously.
*All of this is true, even though the one undergraduate program we offer
doesn’t even come with a recognizable degree (though it will as of fall

All of this is truly remarkable, and something for which we should
give God thanks more readily than we do. What makes FLBC work
is our exceedingly narrow focus on Bible and Ministry. Instead of
offering a broad range of degree and/or career path options, we provide
foundational study in what matters most: Learning God’s Word and how
to apply God’s Word to God’s World, leaving our students ready for
everything that happens in their life, their family, their congregation, and
their community.

What makes FLS work is our commitment to serving congregations by
teaching future pastors to be servant leaders who excel at public and
private ministry of the word, equipping their congregations for maturity
and stability in Jesus Christ. Our in-person, on-campus approach
maximizes teaching effectiveness, extending our instruction outside of
the classroom.

As discussed last year and emphasized above, the biggest news on
campus is the addition of an AA and BA in Bible and Ministry. Our
current program received some improvements designed to help students
acquire or develop tools for learning, including their abilities to think,
write, speak, read, and listen. Students completing the requirements for
this program will receive an Associate of Arts degree. This degree is
more recognizable than our current “Certificate of Bible,” and will be
easier to transfer, discuss, and market, especially to those who are new to
the concept of a Bible College.

Most of our students will finish college degrees elsewhere, but now the
portion of students who finished a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Ministry
are able to complete that degree on our campus. We estimate that 15-20%
of our students did so, and now we can award that degree simply by teaching
more of what we already teach, including classes that will better prepare future
seminarians for pastoral study and ministry.

As of this writing (spring) we are in the opening phase of our first ever
annual campaign. More on this campaign will be known at or shortly
after the Annual Conference. An annual campaign approach indicates to
donors what giving levels will sustain and advance the ministry of the
Bible College and Seminary. I am overwhelmed by the financial support
of friends and partners in our ministry. We could not do what we do
without your support.

In years past we have depended on gifts that are estimated from past
giving, but with no firm expectation of future giving. That is one reason
for the budget analysis process on the floor of the Annual Conference—
we never know for sure what is going to come in. While that is still
true, we are spending more time in the planning and budgeting process,
then visiting annually with different groups of donors. An annual
campaign includes all that is needed to operate FLBCS beyond tuition,
room, board, and fees. The campaign includes budgeted amounts for
scholarships and smaller improvements in facilities and grounds, but
not larger items like debt reduction or endowments. Each year around
Annual Conference we will have a better idea of how much is left to
raise during our fiscal year, which begins each August 1.

An annual campaign strategy differs from a capital campaign, which
happens only rarely. A capital campaign covers items like new buildings,
deferred maintenance needs, or debt reduction. Every campaign provides
an opportunity to gain support through planned giving or endowments.
We are thankful to God for all givers of any gift. We thank you.

These changes came to FLBCS through an intensive process of training
in board governance, strategic planning, donor relations. Our current
strategic plan may always be found at Our plan
is a three-year rolling strategic plan that we update annually. In this way
we are always in year one of a plan and never out of touch with current
needs. If you look at that web site in the spring it will be slightly out of
date, but freshly updated each summer.

The economic challenges of the past years have made higher education a
difficult arena, and we are thankful for God’s sustenance and provision.
Our Bible College and Seminary is thriving, and we are well positioned
to do well both where we are and with a significantly larger student body.
We believe that our best contribution to congregations and communities
is to continue to establish students in the eternal and inerrant Word of
God for a life of faith in Jesus Christ and faithful service in His kingdom.

Finally, this essential mission is stewarded by a large, committed team of
employees, faculty, staff, administrators, board members, and volunteers.
We have listed them at the end of our reports. We have taken pains to
remember everyone, and I apologize in advance for any omissions. Some
of our employees are new, some will stay a short time, and others will
make FLBCS a career. We thank God for all of them, as each one invests
sacrificially in the lives of others. Those students will become graduates,
alumni who impact souls for Christ wherever they will live and grow,
building families, congregations, and communities in the name of Christ.

Overwhelmed by the Mercy of Christ,
Rev. Dr. Wade Mobley
President, Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary


  • Julia Albright
  • Cindy Beck
  • Annah Behne
  • Josh Bostrom
  • Eric Christenson
  • Breanna Chvojicek
  • Chester Dyrud
  • Brett Erickson
  • Jean Erickson
  • Cameron Fouks
  • Michelle Franz
  • Madi Greven
  • Wendy Greven
  • Ruth Gunderson
  • Andrew Hanson
  • Janay Helms
  • Katie High
  • Josh Johnson
  • Dalton Jordahl
  • Andrew Kneeland
  • Carter Kneeland
  • Emily Kregel
  • Jeremy Larson
  • Jerry Moan
  • Kalei Moan
  • Micah Moan
  • Rebecca Moan
  • Wade Mobley
  • James Molstre
  • Rachel Molstre
  • Matt Monseth
  • Glenn Mork
  • Sherry Mork
  • Steve Mundfrom
  • Larry Myhrer
  • Brent Olson
  • Heather Olson
  • Isak Olson
  • Nathan Olson
  • Adam Osier
  • Courtney Osier
  • Olivia Pavlish
  • Matt Petschl
  • Luke Quanbeck
  • Zach Simonson
  • Isaac Skogerboe
  • Abby Smith
  • Levi Steele
  • Logan Strand

Spring 2024 adjunct faculty:

  1. Jon Nelson
  2. Michelle Olson
  3. Brian Lunn
  4. Phil Haugen
  5. Andrew Abel
  6. Jason Gudim
  7. Oliver Blosser


To the 62nd Annual Conference of the Association of Free Lutheran
Congregations assembled at the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary,
June 12-14, 2024. “His Word Does Not Return Empty” from Isaiah 55:11.
God has been faithful to His Word. He has been faithful to our Free
Lutheran Seminary and Bible College. This year, 17 students attended the
Free Lutheran Seminary (FLS), one was graduated in May.
God has provided throughout the 62-year history of the AFLC and the
60-year history of our Seminary. This fall, sixty years ago, the very first
seminary class met in the Hauge chapel. Of the ten men who enrolled
on September 21st, 1964, nine completed the first year of study and six
ultimately were graduated. Pastor John Strand, President of the AFLC was
also the first seminary dean. Pastor Strand wrote in the 1965 Annual Report
that these students were to be trained “as servants of the congregation
concerned that souls be saved, that Christians be edified, and that all
believers take their part in the work of spreading the Gospel. There was to
be a right understanding of correct doctrine and the putting away of that
which was false…There was a simple recognition that unless pastors are
trained right, the congregations could not be free and living.”

What was true in 1964 is true today in our seminary. It is necessary that
pastors are concerned with the souls of the people they serve and minister
to in their communities and congregations. Our congregations cannot be
free and living if our Pastors are not “trained right”. This is a work that
God must empower and guide. We humbly ask Him to lead our seminary
into its seventh decade.

The strength of the Free Lutheran seminary has been and will continue to
be a program centered around the in-depth study of God’s inerrant word.
God’s Word is studied with application to Evangelism of unsaved souls
and congregational life and ministry.
It is with this objective in mind that I have continued to review our
seminary program. The program is heavily weighted to the study of the
Old and New Testaments. The men are taught to exegete the passage and
ultimately to apply the exegesis to pastoral ministry. Practical theology
is also an emphasis in pastoral training with a heavy dose of Pastoral
theology, evangelism, discipleship, and leadership. All our courses are
designed to prepare men for congregational ministry whether the class is
systematic, historical, exegetical, or practical.

The seminary program is intentionally incarnational. I have especially
enjoyed times of mentorship and fellowship with our seminary students.
This is one of the decided strengths of having a residential program. The
students interact with their professors, who have had extensive experience
in the congregation as a pastor. This interaction includes discussion during

discussion during class time, informal discussions during coffee breaks,
and lunch with the dean. It is during these times that we get to know the
men, mentor them, and, by God’s grace, prepare them. My desire is that
our students have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and that their
hearts are controlled by the Spirit. The best Pastor is the one who loves
his congregation and is concerned about the condition of their soul. It is
important that we get to know the students before we recommend them
to our congregations for pastoral ministry. We have resisted the latest
trends to teach our program online for these reasons.

My role also includes Academic administration. In this role, I oversee
the direction of both Bible College and Seminary programs, and faculty.
Andrew Kneeland is a great help to me in this role. Andrew Kneeland
serves as the school’s institutional effectiveness director. He writes,
“Since starting about one year ago I have been learning the ropes of
academic administration. It is a blessing to see how God works in and
through our campus! As Institutional Effectiveness Director, I get to
assess every aspect of our mission and work with other departments to
continuously improve how we keep our promises. I’ve been learning
better ways to assess both academics and operations and have been able
to teach part-time in the seminary. Much of my time this last year has
been invested in the new A.A. and B.A. programs, working with our
team to build the curriculum, navigate governmental agencies and our
accrediting bodies, and develop credit transfer policies and procedures.
I also oversee our continuing education opportunities and the library.
Our ‘Seminary Symposium’ was a great success earlier this year, and
we are excited about the Summer Institute of Theology in August. With
the library, it has been great to work with our librarian Rachel Molstre
on developing an ongoing process of improving our inventory, both
by adding and culling resources. Our focus over the last few months
has been on ‘New Testament Exegetical’ resources and we are always
striving to serve our students and faculty better through the library.”

Our full-time faculty includes Dr. Jason Gudim, Mr. Andrew Hanson,
Dr. Jarrod Hylden, Pastor Steve Mundfrom, Dr. Brent Olson, Dr. Nathan
Olson. Drs Gudim and Hylden were recently called to serve as fulltime
professors by our Board of Trustees. Dr. Jerry Moan resigned after
29 years of faithful service to take a call to parish ministry. Dr. Moan
has been a blessing to our student body, and we will miss him, his
encouragement, and his heart for the souls of our students. Along with
our full-time faculty, Dr. Wade Mobley, Dr. Haugen, and Pastor Brian
Lunn teach part-time, and I teach about half time.

Please pray for our recent graduate: Scott Olson who has taken a call to
Grace Free Lutheran church in Bagley, Minnesota.

Pray for our Interns: Troy Hanson at Emmanuel Free and Beaver Creek
Lutheran in the Williston and Ray North Dakota. Mikey Meester at
Our Savior’s free and First English Lutheran in Stanley North Dakota.

Pray for our Seniors: Adam Erickson, Alexander Grimes, Caleb
Korhonen, Adam McCarlson, Micah Moan, Alex Monseth, and Michael

Pray for our Middlers: Daniel Aichele, Aaron Arneson, Wen Chen,
Samuel Jagt, Jeremy Larson, Isak Olson, and Hans Tanner.

And pray for our incoming class, that God would prepare them to study
for this important work of ministry.

Respectfully submitted,
Dr. James Molstre
CAO/Seminary Dean


To the 62nd Annual Conference of the Association of Free Lutheran
Congregations, grace and peace to you from God, our Father, and the
Lord Jesus Christ.

Over the past five years at the Free Lutheran Bible College, we have chose
themes for the academic year. This year’s theme was “Refined by Fire”
based on Zechariah 13:9. This theme reminds us that a believer’s life is not
always marked by ease or linear growth. Growth in Christ is a challenging
thing. It’s a painful thing. When the Word of God goes to work, it acts as a
surgeon’s scalpel and a healing balm. It always accomplishes its work. At
the Free Lutheran Bible College, we get to see that work daily.

This year we began the year with 110 students who came to be refined
by God’s Word. We are grateful for each one who God calls to this
investment. It’s more countercultural than ever to invest two years in the
study of God’s Word, and to have as many students as we do make this
investment is a true working and gift of God. Our students come from
very different backgrounds, very different levels of Bible knowledge, and
very different congregational experiences. Despite these disparities, we
have the privilege of seeing God work in their lives through their time
in his Word. We are blessed to have a faculty with pastoral hearts who
are faithful in their exposition and application of the Word. Likewise, our
student life and dorm staff possess a heart for discipleship that translates
into deep, meaningful connections in Christ. The result is God using his
Word, spoken and taught through his people, to change lives and impact
the kingdom of God for his glory.

Academic Life
As has been true and will continue to be true, our program centers on the
Word proclaimed in its fullness. This is both in exegetical and systematic
ways. Our practical and historical offerings also center on the application
of the Word for practical ministry. The Word of God is the focus of all that
we do. Established in that Word, students are equipped for a life of faith in
Jesus Christ and faithful service in their congregations.

This fall, we will begin our new Bachelor of Arts and Associate of Arts
programs in Bible and Ministry. We are excited to see the focused time in
God’s Word expanded and sharpened. Spending time with these students,
we have seen the need for the students to learn to organize their thoughts,
listen to their peers, and communicate their faith in writing and speech.
Courses in writing, logic, biblical languages, and speech will be taught
from a biblical perspective and will enhance the teaching and application
of the Word. We look forward to seeing what God does through these new

Though it will be expressed in other parts of the FLBCS reports, it is
appropriate here to thank Dr. Jerry Moan for his 29 years of teaching

AFLBS/FLBC. His departure to serve the congregation is bittersweet.
We are grateful to God for leading Pastor Moan back to the congregation
where he will faithfully feed and serve the flock. At the same time, it
is hard to imagine a campus without his presence. Rough math would
show that he’s taught God’s Word to upwards of 1500 students. It’s hard
to lose a professor with such fingerprint on our institution. His wisdom,
faithfulness to God’s Word, gentleness, and keen sense of humor will
be greatly missed. Regrettably, he also insists upon taking his wife,
Rebecca, with him. Our admissions staff and summer team ministry will
also lose a tremendous blessing upon her departure. Her joy, conviction,
and kindness will leave a big hole for us to fill. Recognizing their intense
dislike for having attention drawn to themselves, let me end by saying,
thank you, Pastor and Rebecca!” You’re greatly loved and will be deeply

Student Life
This year has brought exciting change to the student life aspect of
FLBC’s ministry. Last summer we hired seminarian and lay pastor,
Jeremy Larson, to serve as the Director of Discipleship. During his time
serving as pastor at St. Paul’s Free Lutheran in Fargo, ND, Jeremy saw
the benefit of discipling small groups who are simultaneously trained to
disciple others. This multiplicative approach models the discipleship of
Christ with the Twelve.

This year, each FLBC student was assigned to a two or three-person
discipleship group. Each of these groups were led by staff, faculty, or
local congregation members. While small groups have formed throughout
the history of the schools, the goal of these groups was to intentionally
pair each student with a mentor with whom they could share and grow
during their time on campus. Implementing new opportunities always has
challenges. Balancing schedules and pairing groups proved difficult. However,
many students appreciated the opportunity to grow in this way, and the goal
is that such a method may be effectively employed by these students as they
go to serve in congregations after graduation.

I asked some students to share their thoughts on the discipleship groups.
It is good for the people of the AFLC to hear their words, and what God
is doing in their lives. Below are snippets from a few of those responses
showing the kind of things these groups have discussed:

I have been learning so much. I have enjoyed coming together every
week, to grow closer to the Lord. Another thing I really like is that it
helps me with my spiritual disciplines, this group has showed me how
to stay grounded in my own devotions!

“We have worked through issues such as developing a head knowledge
instead of heart knowledge, the duties of each vocation, and dealing
with overall spiritual tiredness. It has been very freeing to be with other

men who understand what you are going through. Discussion has always
been one of my favorite things, specifically in a small group setting, so
discipleship group has been a big blessing in that sense.”

“My discipleship group has truly been a blessing to me this year! I
think that we really bonded well, and I look forward to meeting every
week. I have enjoyed learning, praying, and growing together, and I
believe that it was an excellent addition to the classes and community
at FLBC.”

Beginning next year, Jeremy plans to continue these discipleship groups.
He is also exploring ways to incorporate Bible study and prayer methods
into the existing curriculum to teach students a repeatable model for
lifelong, personal spiritual disciplines. He plans to do this from a
Lutheran framework. I appreciate his desire to combine practice with
good theology, and our students benefit greatly from this. Please continue
to pray for Jeremy as he plans and implements these things this fall.

I would also like to thank Emily Kregel, the Student Life Coordinator, and
the dorm assistants (DAs) for their service this year. They served as discipleship
group leaders as well as mentors and leaders in the dorms throughout the year.
This year the DAs were Matt Monseth, Isaac Skogerboe, Zach Simonson, Cameron
Fouks, Dalton Jordahl, Olivia Pavlish, Abigail Smith, Julia Albright, and Madison
Greven. These DAs serve faithfully and put in many hours in service to our student
body. We are very grateful for their commitment.

Student Outreach & Ministry
In addition to the discipleship groups, our students are also eager to
serve. Many of our students are active participants in congregational
life in the Twin Cities during their time on campus. Many students
serve as Sunday school or kids’ time teachers, small group leaders,
youth helpers, and/or sing on the worship team in their churches. This is
consistent with our mission. It’s also an important reminder that FLBC
is not a congregation, and that students need to be engaged in a local
congregation. The students have responded well to this encouragement
through faithful attendance and service.

Our choirs continue their tradition of touring for the purpose of
ministering through song. In his 16th year of service to our schools, Mr.
Andrew Hanson directed the Proclaim Choir on two tours this spring.
The first was held from February 9th-11th. They performed concerts in
Fosston, Thief River Falls, and Greenbush, MN, and they were joined
by Pastor Jerry and Rebecca Moan. Pastor Moan brought the messages
for each concert. On April 5th-7th they performed in Cloquet, MN,
Ontonagon and Ishpeming, MI. Pastor Steve Mundfrom brought the
messages for those concerts. The Concert Choir went on a “mini tour”
from March 8-10 performing concerts in Glyndon, MN, Beresford, SD,
and Sioux Falls, SD (Living Word Free Lutheran) and Dr. Wade Mobley
preached. The Concert Choir’s main tour was held from April 29th-May
19th in Scandinavia, where they performed concerts in, the Faroe Islands,
Denmark, and Norway. They were joined by Marian Christopherson who
accompanied the choir. For the last ten days of the trip, the choirs were
joined by family and friends of the choir for a Companion Tour. This was
an incredible opportunity, made possible by the planning and vision of
Andrew Hanson and Adam Lee, son of AFLC pastor Robert L. Lee. We
recognize much support was given by many friends and supporters, and
we are thankful for each gift!

As has been our heritage, our gospel and summer team ministries receive
significant student interest. This summer, we sent out five summer teams,
plus the Ambassador team. These teams are selected by our student
life team, and trained by Mrs. Rebecca Moan and Mr. Andrew Hanson,
as well as by several guests who teach session during training week.
This year, these teams will have the opportunity to reach 56 camps or
congregations, not including Ambassador concerts. Notably, despite
strong interest in our students serving on these teams, we have had
higher demand for our teams than we can supply. This means that some
churches who desire a team do not get one. Deciding which churches
get teams difficult, and it often comes down to geography and/or which
weeks the churches request to hold their VBS. Please know that we do
our best to accommodate each congregation, and we invite you to keep
applying despite the discouragement. We know that this ministry has
been a blessing for generations, and we are glad to see the interest in the
ministry, both to serve on and to host teams, continue to grow.

Thank You
As always, we are grateful for the faithful and generous support of the
AFLC. We are grateful for each student that you send to us, and we
appreciate every gift we receive. We live at a time where these students
are challenged by the culture to doubt the Word of God, yet we have
nearly 65 students coming each fall to a Bible and Ministry program that
focuses solely on the Word. This is an amazing statistic. And through it,
God is doing mighty things in their lives! Your prayers, encouragement,
and support are appreciated more than you all may know. Thank you for
all you do!

Respectfully Submitted,
Rev. Adam Osier


To the Sixth-Second Annual Conference of the Association of Free
Lutheran Congregations gathered in Plymouth, MN. I Peter 4:10 says:
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as
faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”. We are very grateful
to the congregations, individuals, parents, and students who generously
contribute to the Free Lutheran Bible College & Seminary (FLBCS). We
could not exist without all the prayers and support we receive every day.

The proposed FLBCS budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year is $4,513,170
Based on this projected budget, the Board of Trustees request the Annual
Conference to approve a subsidy for the 2025 calendar year of $294,962 for
the Seminary and $484,993 for the Bible College. Both subsidy requests
reflect a 3% increase over the amounts requested last year.

We would like to say a special thank you to those who have generously
contributed to the FLBC and FLS Scholarship Funds. As of December
31, 2023, the FLBCS has approximately $2.1 million in scholarship and
endowment Funds that are used to provide financial assistance to Seminary
and Bible College students. During the ’23-’24 school year, $163,750.00
was disbursed for FLS Scholarships and $238,625.00 was disbursed for
FLBC Scholarships.

FLBCS continues to be in a solid financial position with a good balance
sheet and increases in financial resources.

The AFLC Schools are committed to continue using our financial
resources to train servant leaders, increase enrollment at both Schools,
and pursue academic excellence. We are excited to bring our A.A. and
B.A. Degree programs online this Fall. Additional information about the
FLBCS financials is available in the 2024 Annual Report and by request.
More information on the Student Life Center Capital Campaign and our
endowments are available online and at our Conference booth.

Respectfully Submitted,
Larry S. Myhrer
Vice President of Operations – FLBCS

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