Every class at the Free Lutheran Bible College is devoted to the study of God’s Word and its application for life and faith in Jesus Christ. Students are not only earning a college degree, they are making an eternal investment. Whatever future career or vocation they pursue, they will be ready to face life’s most difficult questions and challenges head on.

- Learn how to understand and apply Scripture.
- Trace God's story of salvation throughout the entire Bible.
- Prepare to share and defend your faith.
- Discover your biblical roles and responsibilities within a local congregation.
- Formulate a biblical worldview that provides a foundation for the Christian life.
- Understand historic Lutheran doctrine.
The curriculum at FLBC is designed to provide students with instruction in both Old and New Testament books, foundational Christian doctrines in Scripture, and practical training for their personal life and ministry.
⬤ AA Core
⬤ BA Core
⬤ Electives
- Pentateuch
- Historical Books
- Poetical Books
- Major Prophets
- Minor Prophets
- Luke & Acts
- John
- Romans
- Corinthian Epistles
- Captivity Epistles
- Pastoral Epistles
- Hebrews
- General Epistles
- Revelation
Educational Foundations
- English Composition
- Public Speaking
- Intro to Christian Thought
- History of Reformation to Modern Day
- History & Geography of the Biblical World
- Research Writing
- Intro to Logic
- Intro to Philosophy
- Early Church History
- Symbolic Logic
- History of Missions
- 20th Century Christian Literature
- Intro to Biblical Studies
- Theology of Salvation
- Means of Grace & Eschatology
- Apologetics, Ethics, & Christian Thought
- Principles of Congregational Life
- Lutheran Confessional Theology
- Theology of the Christian Life
- Advanced Hermeneutics
- Theology of Worship
- Comparative Sects & Religions
Practical Ministry
(6 credits for AA, 14 credits for BA)- Christian Education
- Intro to Family Ministry
- Intro to Youth Ministry
- Youth Ministry Methods of Jesus
- Growing a Healthy Youth Ministry
- Cross-Cultural Ministry 1 & 2
- Expository Preaching
- Christian Identity & Relationships
- Biblical Counseling
- Spiritual Disciplines
- Intro to Audio Ministry
- Intro to Video Ministry
- Greek I
- Choir
- Music Ensembles
- Christian Service
Associate of Arts in Bible & Ministry
This two-year residential program provides the biblical foundation for students to pursue their calling. No matter where God leads, students will be prepared to think biblically and speak the Gospel to a searching world.
Those who wish to pursue a two-year Diploma in Bible & Ministry may still do so. More info can be found by following the link above.
Bachelor of Arts in Bible & Ministry
B.A students take advantage of all that FLBC has to offer, as they prepare for life and service in His kingdom. Students may tailor their classes to target unique ministry emphases, which include youth ministry, cross-cultural ministry, and advanced theological studies.

Download the full catalog for more information on classes, student life, policies, and procedures.

Dr. Jason Gudim
Practical and Systematic Theology
Andrew Hanson
Director of Music
Dr. Jarrod
New Testament
Dr. Wade Mobley
President, FLBCSLeadership & Apologetics

Dr. James Molstre
Dean, FLSPractical Theology

Dr. Steve Mundfrom
Systematic Theology; Church History
Dr. Brent Olson
Old Testament
Dr. Nathan Olson
New Testament; Systematic Theology
Adam Osier
Dean, FLBCBible; Christian Thought

Madison Greven
Speech & Writing
Rev. Andrew Kneeland
Theology & Church History
Rachel Molstre
Research Writing
Jon Nelson
Cross-Cultural Ministry
Michelle Olson
Youth & Family Ministry
Luke Quanbeck
Media Arts
Dr. Jonathan Strand
Philosophy & LogicCredit Transfer
FLBC accepts many general education and elective credits. All required courses (other than gen. ed.) must be taken at FLBC. A minimum of 25% of total degree credits must be completed at FLBC in order to graduate. Students who wish to transfer credits to FLBC must submit official transcripts of all previous undergraduate work as a part of the application process.
Coursework with grades of C or higher will be considered for transfer. Grades and grade point averages earned at other institutions do not transfer. Quarter-hour credits will normally be converted to semester hour credit. Credits from previously attended institutions that are not recognized by an accrediting body will be examined on a case-by-case basis by the academic team. Contact the Registrar’s Office for class schedules, transcripts, and other student services.
Academic Support
FLBC has opportunities for students to receive support in their academics. Our campus counselor is also an academic counselor and can help students stay organized and on track with their assignments.
Request more info by emailing

Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary is a member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) [15935 Forest Road, Forest, VA 24551; Telephone: (434) 525-9539; e-mail:], having been awarded Reaffirmation I of its Accredited Status as a Category III institution by the TRACS Accreditation Commission on April 25, 2023. This status is effective as of July 1, 2023 and is good for a period of ten years. TRACS is recognized by the United States Department of Education (ED), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), and the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE).