B.A. in Bible & Ministry

B.A. students take advantage of all that FLBC has to offer, as they prepare for a life of faith in Jesus Christ and faithful service in His kingdom

What You Need to Know

FLBC students will have an opportunity to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Bible & Ministry. Click the link below to review the B.A. program requirements.

B.A. Program Requirements
Course Descriptions


The B.A. in Bible & Ministry offers elective courses in several congregation-focused ministry emphases. Course availability is contingent on enrollment numbers. Students may take classes from multiple emphases or chose other elective courses to complete the B.A. These emphases are not distinct majors or minors and will not be reflected on the degree diploma.

Credit Transfer

Recent grads will find that many of the courses they completed satisfy requirements for the B.A. program.

Credits earned at another institution may be accepted by Free Lutheran Bible College, subject to review and approval by academic administration. Students can transfer in credits to satisfy general education and elective requirements.

All required courses must be taken at FLBC with the exception of general education courses. A minimum of 25 percent of credits must be completed at FLBC. Grades and grade point averages earned at other institutions do not transfer. Quarter-hour credits will normally be converted to semester hour credits.

Students who desire to transfer credits to FLBC must submit official transcripts of all previous undergraduate work as a part of the application process. Coursework with grades of C or higher will be considered for transfer. Credits from previously attended institutions that are not recognized by an accrediting body will be examined on a case-by-case basis by the academic team.


Those who apply by January 30, 2025 will receive $50 to the Campus Store, an FLBC T-shirt, and pay no application fee.

Current FLBC Student Application
FLBC Alumnus Application


Please direct questions about the B.A. program to the admissions team by calling 763-544-9501 or emailing admissions@flbc.edu.