By My Spirit Says the Lord


When the Israelites returned home from captivity in Babylon, the Prophet Zechariah wrote, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts” (4:6). His prophecy comes from a vision in which the Lord talks to a man named Zerubbabel. In the vision, the Lord tells him that the work that the Israelites are about to commence will be completed through the Spirit of the Lord alone. This verse was not just meant for Zerubbabel, but for all who believe. This is a verse that the body of believers can come to rely on.  

My church is not very large, but the number of people in our congregation doesn’t prevent us from living out our faith. There was a season when my church was without a pastor. The people in my congregation immediately stepped up to serve in the church. There were several who prepared sermons, while others stepped up to take over some of the other roles that the pastor has, such as visitations, and others still stepped up to be on our call committee. Many continued using their spiritual gifts to serve the congregation and surrounding community. Looking back, I realize that our church was able to continue performing the work of the Lord only by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, had his hand on it all, and our church remained faithful to God. 

Aili Keranen [second-year] Ishpeming, Mich. 


Since coming to FLBC, I have grown spiritually far more than I could’ve ever imagined. Because of that, I have been changed. I don’t laugh at the jokes I used to, I don’t seek out things I used to, and all this is not of my own doing but of the Holy Spirit, who has changed me as I’ve grown closer to God. Coming here, I no longer desire what I used to desire, and I decided that whatever my career or job is, it will be something for the Lord. I want the Lord to use me, and I pray this prayer often.  

One thing that I have started doing as part of my newfound passion is a ministry called Street Teams at the Minneapolis Life Center. This is a ministry I was introduced to while here at FLBC, and I felt as though the Holy Spirit wanted me to participate. We meet every Friday night to pray with fellow Christians, and then we go out in teams to talk and pray with people we meet.  

While with this ministry, I have been able to talk to people about the Lord. A lot of them have heard of God, but do not know him. One time, when I went downtown, I felt an eagerness from the Holy Spirit to go and look for people at one of the Street Team locations. I am very thankful to the Lord for giving me an eagerness to minister to people. 

Natanael Tomczyk [first-year] Brooklyn Park, Minn. 


God works through community. Throughout my time at FLBC, God has continually shown me his work through a variety of means, but none more clearly than through my brothers and sisters in Christ. The experience here is set in a truly unique environment. Being sheltered away from many distractions in the world has helped me focus on God’s Word. The growth that God has done in me has been heavily cultivated by the community. When I need admonition, I’ve got buddies who will give me a kick in the pants. However, I’ve never had so many people point me to the gospel when I need encouragement. This balance has left me with a deeply changed direction for my Christian life. 

The community here has pushed me to be consistent in my spiritual disciplines as well as to be the same type of good influence on other people. God constantly gives me opportunities to not only be encouraged by people but to share that love with others. That constant cycle of being filled with Christ’s joy and sharing it with others is the way that I want to continue living my life, and I thank God for guiding me to that conclusion through the community here. 

Caden Larson [second-year] Moorhead, Minn. 


God is at the center of my family. When he led me to attend FLBC, I could see him working through my family. My mom constantly asked me about my plans for the fall and subtly brought up the Bible college as an option. My sister texted me and helped me through my decision. It was encouraging to see God work through them to bring me here.  

In the past couple years, I have watched my siblings grow as God has become more important in their lives. My brothers started wearing “Jesus Love You” shirts to school and bringing friends to church and lock-ins. Seeing them get excited about Up Close and Campus Days gives me so much hope. Two of my brothers are already talking about coming to FLBC when they graduate!  

None of this would be possible without my parents depending on the strength of God through his Spirit. They have been amazing examples of dependency on Christ alone and have influenced us in numerous ways, always pointing us back to Jesus. Our family verse comes from Hebrews 12:1–2: 
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” 

Norabelle Kozicky [first-year] Fridley, Minn. 

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