Date: November 17 - November 18
Confirmation Refresh provides biblical instruction and community connection to 6th-9th grade students. This year's theme on "The Apostles' Creed" will engage teens with our Triune God and His inerrant Word. FLBC students and staff will facilitate learning sessions, worship, small group discussion, and application times including recreation in the Student Life Center. We invite you to join us as we look to God's Word for spiritual renewal.
Featured Speaker: Pastor Phillip Hooper was born at a very early age in California; to make a long story short, he ended up being a pastor in Duluth, Minnesota for the last 16 years. He is married to Joy, and they have three boys (Christopher, Matthew, and Joshua) whom they have homeschooled, and a cat (Rugby) whom they haven’t homeschooled. Pastor Phill believes confirmation is extremely important: we call to confirm flights; how much more should we be confirmed in our faith! In addition to being a pastor, he was recently named a knight of the realm by the sovereign of the Principality of Sealand, and so will answer either to “Pastor Phill” or “Sir Phillip.” Or any other mildly respectful form of address, for that matter.
Location: Free Lutheran Bible College - 3134 E. Medicine Lake Blvd. Plymouth, MN 55441
- Main sessions hosted in the Student Life Center.
Price: $25
Guests are asked to secure their own housing.
General Schedule
Friday, November 17
6:00 PM Check-in (Front entrance of Heritage Hall)
6:00-7:00 PM Meal Time
7:30 PM Session 1 - The Apostles' Creed
8:30 PM Snacks & Hang Out Time
9:00 PM Departure
Saturday, November 18
9:30 AM Session 2 - The Father
10:30 AM Break Time
11:15 AM Session 3 - The Son
12:00 PM Lunch
12:45 PM Rec Time in the Gym
2:30 PM Session 4 - The Holy Spirit
3:30 PM Sending Prayer
4:00 PM Head for Home (Pick up at the Student Life Center - 3130 E. Medicine Lake Blvd.)