Youth Track Only: Riding in a vehicle to off-campus activities with a staff member or contract bus driver
Youth Track Only: Off-campus afternoon activities (Swimming, Sky Zone Trampoline Park, Bowling)
I authorize staff who are in charge of any specific activity to make emergency medical decisions for my child in the event I cannot be reached. I will immediately notify the person in charge of any activity of any change in the information presented here. I agree that this Assumption of Risk shall be valid until I revoke it. I have signed this Assumption of Risk both in my own capacity as a parent/guardian of my child and in a representative capacity on behalf of my minor child. I represent and warrant to FLBC that I have completed this Assumption of
Risk form for my child to participate in this activity; that it is complete and correct in all its information; that I have inserted my initials beside each completed item; and that I have dated the form and typed my name below to represent to FLBC my intent to be fully bound in accordance with its terms.
I consent for my child in the VBS or Youth Track to appear in photos or video footage of this event that may be used in FLBC or AFLC promotional materials.
FLBC maintains a No Refund Policy for all events.