FLS Symposium & Sverdrup Forum

Date: January 15 - January 16

Seminary Symposium is a continuing education opportunity for pastors, seminary students, and other interested participants. The symposium format invites presentations on various topics, leaving space for thought-provoking interaction. This year's theme is Justification: The Righteous Shall Walk By Faith.

To Far to Travel?
Watch and interact with this year's symposium livestream in real-time by registering below. You can watch previous symposium lectures and many other video resources in the conferences section of our blog.

All Symposium attendees are encouraged to stay for the Georg Sverdrup Society Forum on Friday.


Wednesday, Jan 15

6:00PM Check-in opens 

6:15PM Catered Dinner in SLC Atrium 

7:00PM Dr. Reed Lessing—“The Righteous Shall Live by Faith” (Bio)
The doctrine of justification in the Minor Prophets? Indeed! The righteous live by faith, even in Old Testament Israel. 

Thursday, Jan 16

9:00AM–Noon Morning Session 

  • 9:00 Dr. Reed Lessing—"The Book of Amos” (Bio)
    This session will introduce the minor prophet Amos and examine how God used him to call the people of Israel to repentance and faith. 
  • 10:15 Coffee/Snack Break 
  • 10:45 Dr. Reed Lessing—“The Book of Jonah” (Bio)
    The book of Jonah is familiar to many of us, but its focus on judgment and salvation also shines a light on justification in the Old Testament. 

Noon Lunch in cafeteria for paid registrants

1:15–4:00PM Afternoon Session

  • 1:15 Rev. Dr. Phill Hooper—“Justification by Grace: Long Before Luther” (Bio)
    Though many Lutherans don't often think about it, "Justification by Grace through Faith" was a concept that the church professed well before the Reformation. This session aims to explore several examples of this doctrinal concept expressed in the first fifteen centuries of the church. 
  • 2:00 Break  
  • 2:15 Rev. Dennis Norby—“Justification in the Catechisms” (Bio)
    The catechisms of Martin Luther deliver to us precise and positive declarations of the great truths revealed in the Scriptures. This presentation will explore how Luther's teaching in the catechisms articulates to us the doctrine of justification by grace through faith. 
  • 3:00 Break
  • 3:15 Rev. Dr. Jason Gudim—“Realized Eschatology: Justification in the Congregation” (Bio)
    How does the Church of the here and now relate to the saints in all times and in all places? This presentation will explore how images in the book of Revelation demonstrate how God uses His Word and Sacraments to connect His Church to His eternal reality. 

Dinner on your own 

Friday, Jan 17

9:00AM–Noon Georg Sverdrup Society Session 

Registration coming soon.
