AFLBS students in the spring semester Cross Cultural Ministry class are preparing for classroom instruction and also a trip to Cuenca, Ecuador, where they will put their learning into practice March 24 through April 6, 2018.
While in Ecuador, the 16 AFLBS students will work closely with Paz de Dios Lutheran Church and the students of the Alethia Bible Institute to share Jesus with local children and students through evangelism and service projects. The AFLBS students will live in the homes of host families from Paz de Dios Lutheran Church and have many chances to learn and practice speaking Spanish. They will also have numerous opportunities to see God at work in and around them while they are immersed in a culture entirely new to most of the class.
The Cross Cultural Ministry class understands that they also will represent AFLBS, their families, and their congregations as they seek to grow and serve the Body of Christ. Please join in prayer for the class as they prepare to serve in Ecuador.
The estimated cost per student for this two week missions trip is $1800. If you desire to contribute to a specific student or to the general student needs of this trip, please find giving information below.
Donate to the Ecuador Missions Trip
Thank you for considering financially supporting our missions trip. Gifts may be given toward individual students participating or toward the general student needs for the trip.
If a student is not specified in your donation, the gift will go toward the general needs of students participating in the trip.
All donations are tax-deductible and the following conditions apply to each gift given toward the missions trip:
- The Association Free Lutheran Bible School controls all donations and funds for the 2018 Ecuador Missions Trip.
- If a student, for any reason, is unable to participate in the 2018 Ecuador Missions Trip, the funds raised by that student remain with AFLBS and will still go towards general student needs pertaining to the 2018 Ecuador Missions Trip.
- If a student raises over the required amount, the funds received over and above that amount remain with AFLBS and will still go towards the 2018 Ecuador Missions Trip.
Mail your gift:
Checks should be written out to “AFLBS” and mailed to the AFLBS office. Please include on memo line: “Ecuador Trip” and the name of person you’re supporting.
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