Date: April 14 - April 15
Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in the pressures of life? FLBC offers A FIRM FOUNDATION in God’s Word that provides you with the tools you need to make sense of it all. During Campus Days, you will see why our students love studying here!
This event is a great time for high schoolers and recent grads to experience FLBC in person. Tour our beautiful campus, learn from our experienced Bible professors, and take part in special weekend activities. Even if you’re not planning on attending FLBC, we’d love to see you here!
Housing: Guests are asked to secure their own housing. A block of rooms is available at Minneapolis Marriott West at $119/night (+tax). This rate is available through March 17.
Book online or call 1(800) 228-9290 and reference "Free Lutheran Bible College."
Ephesians 2:19-22
"So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, BUILT ON THE FOUNDATION of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit."
4:00–7:00 | Check in | Heritage Hall Foyer |
4:00–7:00 | Activities: Basketball and Volleyball (clean gym shoes required) Frisbee, Board games, Lawn games | Student Life Center, SLC Patio, Soccer Field |
5:00–5:30 | Campus Tour Students, parents, and youth leaders welcome! | Heritage Hall Foyer |
5:30–7:00 | Evening Meal | Heritage Hall Dining Room |
7:00–8:30 | Evening Service: Pastor Adam Osier “Jesus: The Foundation for Our Identity” (Eph. 2:19-20) | Chapel |
8:30–9:00 | Small Groups: Get to know your potential FLBC classmates! | Freshmen: Heritage Hall 202 Sophomores: Heritage Hall 222 Juniors Student Life Center 117 Seniors/Grads: Student Life Center 113 |
8:30–9:00 | Parents and Youth leaders Fellowship: Josh Johnson | Student Life Center |
9:00–10:00 | Snacks and Games | Heritage Hall Dining Room |
10:00–10:30 | Vespers | Chapel |
10:30 | Departure |
9:00–10:00 | Breakfast | Heritage Hall Dining Room |
10:00–10:45 | Workshop Elective 1: Dr. Jason Gudim "The Two Halves of the Christian Life" | Heritage Hall Classroom 222 |
10:00–10:45 | Workshop Elective 2: Dr. Jerry Moan "God's Firm Foundation Stands!" | Heritage Hall Classroom 202 |
10:45–11:00 | Break | |
11:00–11:45 | Freshmen and Sophomores Workshop: Dr. Brent Olson "I am Mephiboseheth and So Are You" | Heritage Hall Classroom 222 |
11:00–12:00 | Juniors and Seniors/Graduates Workshop: Dr. Wade Mobley "What's Wrong with the World (and How To Go About Fixing It)" | Heritage Hall Classroom 202 |
11:00–12:00 | Youth Leaders and Parents Workshop: Adam McCarlson "Discipleship From a Distance: How Congregations and Families Disciple Teens Who Move Away for College or Work" | Student Life Center Classroom 113 |
11:45–1:00 | Lunch | Heritage Hall Dining Room |
11:45–1:00 | FLBC Application Assistance | Heritage Hall Foyer |
12:30–4:00 | Campus Store is open | Heritage Hall Room 218 |
12:30–4:00 | Full Court Press is open | Student Life Center |
12:30–4:00 | Basketball 3-on-3 tournament: Clean gym shoes required. Sign up in the gym at 12:30; tourney starts at 1:00 | Student Life Center |
12:30–4:00 | Volleyball | Sand Volleyball Courts |
12:30–4:00 | Ultimate Frisbee, Lawn games | Soccer Field and SLC Patio |
12:30–4:00 | Maker’s Collective Interactive Workshop: Rachel Molstre "Working with Polymer Clay" | Dahle Hall Lounge |
12:3–4:00 | Gaming Tournaments | Strand Hall Lounge |
1:00–4:00 | Open Dorms | Strand Hall and Dahle Hall |
3:00–4:00 | Afternoon Snacks | Heritage Hall Dining Room |
4:00–7:00 | Roller Skating: FLBC private skate night with Christian music. Vans depart at 4:00 from Heritage Hall; skate from 4:30 – 6:30. Roller skates provided. Inline skates $3 or bring your own. | Skateville201 River Ridge Circle SouthBurnsville, MN 55337 |
4:00–7:00 | Movie and Popcorn - "Family Camp" | Heritage Hall Classroom 204 |
7:00–8:00 | Evening Meal | Heritage Hall Dining Room |
8:00–9:00 | Evening Service: Pastor Adam Osier “Jesus: The Foundation for Our Purpose” (Eph. 2:21-22) | Chapel |
9:00–10:00 | Games, Snacks, Prizes, Scholarship Drawing | Heritage Hall Dining Room |
10:00–10:30 | Vespers | Chapel |
10:30 | Departure with take-out breakfast provided |
Everyone is encouraged to attend a worship service at a local congregation of your choice. See this page for local AFLC church service times and driving directions.