The Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary hosted the 8th Annual Friends of FLBCS Banquet on Thursday, November 9th. Guests enjoyed this opportunity to socialize and savor a gourmet meal catered by Fork and Flair. Class of 2024 student Ryan Erickson blessed the group with background music and Olivia Underwood, also class of 2024, led the group in singing a musical selection.
After dinner, students, Kailee Clapp and Jacob Rolf from the Bible College, and Jeremy Larson, seminarian and FLBC Dean of Discipleship, each shared powerful testimonies of God at work in their lives. They shared how God provided guidance and direction leading them to FLBCS to study His eternal and inerrant Word and how He is preparing them for their own life of faith and faithful service to the God who shepherded their journey.
AFLC President, Pastor Micah Hjermstad, shared a heartfelt message entitled “Grace and Generosity: How the extravagance of the Gospel fosters joyful and abundant community” and Dr. James Molstre presented a brief update thanking our guests for their support and financial partnership in our mission.
We closed our time together singing the doxology:
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Paise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
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