“Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side to Bethsaida, while He Himself was sending the crowd away. After bidding them farewell, He left for the mountain to pray.” (Mark 6:45–46)
The example of Jesus and His prayer life is both cherished and challenging. Cherished as it reminds us of the wonderful sweetness of fellowship with our heavenly Father, and challenging as it testifies to the fact that if the very Son of God, sinless in every respect, spent time in prayer, how much more shall we, broken and frail in our sin. Might we continually follow in the example of Jesus, regularly leaving behind the constant distractions of this world, and drawing near to God in prayer. There is much need—may we be much in prayer!
May we offer intercession in these areas over the course of the next few weeks:
- We bring to the Lord those who recently graduated from our Bible College and Seminary. May Your guidance be theirs in extra measure as they begin a new season in their lives.
- We bring to the Lord those most vulnerable in this pandemic, those serving in medical fields, and all those who are on the “front lines” and in essential positions, seeking their ongoing protection. Let us also bring to the Lord those infected by the virus, as well as those who are experiencing suffering, grief, sadness, isolation, and loneliness. May all who are hurting find healing and grace in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- We bring before the Lord all students and churches impacted by the necessity of canceling our Summer teams in view of the COVID pandemic. This ministry brings much joy and encouragement to so very many, and in the midst of this absence, may joy and encouragement from You be present in other ways.
- We bring before the Lord the urgency of calling men to consider preparation for pastoral ministry through seminary training. As the fields remain white unto harvest, may the Lord send workers into His harvest.
- We bring before the Lord the desire to see 85 students accepted to the FLBC, which we believe will yield 70 first-year students in the fall of 2020, which would join an anticipated 48-50 returning students to our campus.
- We bring before the Lord the continued work on the Student Life Center, which has made amazing progress these first weeks of construction. We are praising God for this provision and ask that construction is able to continue at the expected pace and that all are kept safe as they work.
- We bring before the Lord the upcoming FLBC Golf Scramble, which benefits student scholarships. This event is scheduled for July 31st.
- We bring before the Lord preparations for the fall semester of in-person and on-campus ministry and for the ministry of Bible College and Seminary to be delivered in a largely unhindered manner.
On behalf of the Intercessor team,
Pastor Kirk Flaa, Sioux Falls, SD
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