Job Opportunity Submission

Do you have a job opening in our area? We have many students looking for part time work! You can submit a Job Opportunity below. Once approved, your post will be featured on our Job Opportunities page.

  • At this time, FLBC is accepting job postings from within our college and church association. Job Posting Policy Free Lutheran Theological Seminary Corporation (“Corporation”) reserves the right to modify or cancel this policy at any time. It further reserves the right to refuse recruitment privileges or job postings for any company or job posting which does not match the educational values and mission of the Free Lutheran Bible College & Seminary. 1. The Corporation does not prescreen applicants for employers. 2. If the job posting is for an unpaid internship, the posting must expressly state those facts. 3. The posting must contain accurate and sufficient information about the job to permit students to make an informed decision about the listing. This includes likely hours per week to be worked, whether any part of the compensation is based upon commission, any unique job qualifications, whether the work is performed remotely or at the employer’s location, whether it involves overnight shifts or travel, or similar information. 4. The job listing may not offer on campus interviews without the prior written consent of the Corporation. 5. The Corporation is not responsible for your job listing, for removing or otherwise modifying it. 6. All job listings are expected to comply with federal, state and local laws, as applicable. 7. All job listings must be posted by the actual employer. Blind or third party postings are not permitted. 8. Employers must maintain confidentiality of all student information gathered as part of this recruitment process and may not disclose it to a third party without the prior written consent of the student.