AFLBS Dean Joel Rolf Resigns


Pastor Joel Rolf has given notice that this will be his last school year to serve as Dean of the Association Free Lutheran Bible School. On Thursday, February 22, Pastor Rolf submitted his resignation letter to the meeting of the AFLC Schools Board of Trustees.  In this letter he stated:

“Please accept this letter of resignation from my current position as Dean of the Association Free Lutheran Bible School, to be effective at the end of June, 2018. I am resigning early to give time for the transition of hiring my replacement. I am very thankful for the opportunity I have had to serve students with faculty and staff at the Bible School for the past nearly twelve years. It has been a privilege to work alongside excellent colleagues. I treasure the positive relationships built with students and families. Thank you, Board, for your encouragement and partnership through these years of ministry. I love the school, and thank God for the privilege I have had to serve on campus. I am committed to finishing the year strong in supporting the ministry with students and staff, by God’s grace.”

On Friday morning, February 23, the School Board accepted Pastor Rolf’s resignation with the following motion: “to accept Joel’s letter of resignation and its timing (June 30, 2018) with thanks to God and to Joel for his faithful service to the AFLC Schools for the past 12 years.”

Upon completion of his ministry at the schools, Pastor Rolf plans to take a sabbatical for several months before returning to pastoral ministry.

The AFLC Schools express deep gratitude for Pastor Rolf’s ministry at AFLBS. “Pastor Rolf has served Jesus at the schools for 12 years,” states AFLC Schools President Wade Mobley, “His love for the Bible School and care for the students carried us through sometimes difficult seasons, most notably the intense process of accreditation.”

The Board of Trustees will seek a new dean in the near future, with Pastor Wade Mobley (president) serving as interim.


Founded in 1964 by the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (, the Free Lutheran Schools include a two year post-secondary program (Association Free Lutheran Bible School- and a four year pastoral training program at the Masters of Divinity Level (Association Free Lutheran Theological Seminary- The Free Lutheran Schools Corporation is a candidate member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS,

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