Lydia Hansaker

Photo of Lydia Handsaker with her husband David, and their two young children.

Lydia (Franz) Hansaker

Class of 2008

I attended AFLBS from 2006-2008. I had never seen the Scripture come alive in so many ways as I spent hours each day learning about truths in the Old and New Testament. I remember often having “wow” moments as I learned things I never knew before, even after growing up in the church my whole life! I had never been so certain the God of the Bible was true and so thankful for His love and death on the cross for me. God grew in me a love and concern for others that wasn’t there in my naturally selfish heart. His faithfulness and goodness also became so sure in me, and Lamentations 3:21-23 became favorite life verses for me. I just wanted to know Him more! The second year especially, He really placed on my heart the urgent need for others to know Him and a desire to be involved in missions in some way. In fact, my plan was to become a missionary nurse once I was done with nursing school…until I met the man who would become my husband! 


My husband, David, is in his first year of seminary at AFLTS, and these first few months of being here have been such a blessing to us! I am in kind of a unique situation with having had a family member as my pastor my whole life! My dad was my pastor until I finished college, and then my brother became my pastor once David and I got married, and now back to my dad being my pastor until my husband graduates from seminary and becomes my pastor! Growing up as a pastor’s kid was all I knew and so normal to me, so thinking of being a pastor’s family also seems normal in some ways, but also scary on a whole new level! I never thought I would be in this position, especially since Dave was farming when we go married! But it has truly been so encouraging to see Dave excited about all he is learning in classes and to see the Word of God changing him and making him more like Christ in so many ways. Dave in turn has been a huge encouragement to me as he has shared things with me that he has learned in class and the Lord has laid on his heart. It is a lot of work and studying sometimes takes Dave away from time I would like to have with him, but we are excited to be here as we know this is where God has called us to be. We love it.


Right now, my main ministry and focus lies in my family, by supporting Dave through seminary and caring for our two little girls. I consider it a wonderful blessing to be able to stay home with our two girls, who are 2 yrs and 6 months, and to pour into their little hearts and lives. While we are still very much in the stage of caring for basic physical needs and trying to get everyone to sleep at night, I have found great joy in being present through their days as their mom, even on the sleep-deprived, monotonous ones! They are a gift! Outside of the home, Dave and I are co-leading the Wednesday night kid’s club at our church and have really enjoyed that as well. It is a blessing and challenge to present the Bible in a way that children ages preschool – 6th grade will understand and hide in their heart, but such a great opportunity to see them understand and remember what they are learning. 


Lamentations 3:21-23 “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

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